Most books on diction are found in the MT883 call number range. In addition to standard works on German, French, and Italian, the Music Library has materials on Scandinavian, Polish, and Russian diction. Some of our diction, translation, and text resources can be found in the reference section, online, and the general library stacks.
You can also use a great online resource:
Opera translations are found in the ML48-49 call number range in the reference section (libretti are classifed as ML54 and are in the regular stacks). Remember that if you are unable to find an individual aria in the song translations, a translation of the whole opera will include your aria.
Translations of songs are found in the ML54.6 call number range. Most of these resources are in the reference section so they are always available. The titles listed below represent a small sample of the resources available. If you need help finding an individual song, ask a member of the library staff for help.