Email Kate Linton the Music Librarian for Instruction and Outreach for research assistance and searching strategies.
You can browse for brass chamber music by using these call number ranges:
M357.2 - Brass trios
M557.4 - Brass quintets
Bibliographies list sources of information on a subject and can be useful when discovering new repertoire or programming repertoire. Use the bibliographies listed below to locate scores, audio, pedagogy sources, and literature.
If the library doesn't own the source, visit the interlibrary loan page to request it from another library
The Wilson Music Library subscribes to a number of music journals, including those published by the major professional organizations for various instruments. Reading journals in your area of study is part of being a professional musician - you can learn about major performers and repertoire, new works, festivals, scholarships, and more. Some of these journals are issued only in print (current issues can be found on the browsing periodicals shelving near the book stacks), but many are available online.
ITA Journal or International Trombone Association Journal is published quarterly and includes scholarly articles, trombone news, and literature and record reviews.
ITG Journal is the official publication of the International Trumpet Guild and is published quarterly. It includes scholarly articles on history, performance, and pedagogy, interviews, and reviews of literature and recordings.
The Horn Call: Journal of the American Horn Society includes articles, columns, and reviews.
The American Music Teacher Journal is a refereed journal that provides articles, reviews, and columns for music teachers to educate, encourage excellence, and inform.