
Aviary Mappings to Fedora: WORKING DRAFT

Aviary (based on DC) MODS Notes
Aviary ID   Might be good to include this in the record “AviaryId;;” and list it as a type of identifier along with the mss# to correlate preservation it to the aviary system??? 
Resource User Key    
Title <xs:element ref="titleInfo"/>  The titles in Aviary are modified versions of the label info that is included in the spreadsheet from the digitization vendor. The modifications are typically to shorten the title, take out date information, and format the title with appropriate capitalization and remove ellipses and question marks, etc.  
Public n/a  
Featured n/a  

<xs:element ref="abstract"/> 

<xs:element ref="note"/> 

<xs:element ref="tableOfContents"/> 


<xs:element ref="originInfo"/> 





Agent <xs:element ref="name"/> 
  1.  MODS puts all names in a repeated<name> with type of contribution indicated in <role>. It does not make the explicit distinction between creator and contributor in terms of primary vs. secondary roles. An application may wish to designate use of Creator or Contributor for all MODS names or use the role value to determine which DC element is used. 
  2. MODS allows <name> subelements to be parsed: <namePart>, <displayForm>, <affiliation>, <role>, <description> MODS subelements should be concatenated in Dublin Core, separated by a space or other form of punctuation. 






Language <xs:element ref="language"/>   






<xs:element ref="typeOfResource"/> 

<xs:element ref="genre"/> 

  1. Use separate instances of Type for each MODS element value. 
  2.  If converting MODS typeOfResource values to Dublin Core Resource Type values, see conversion details below. If MODS <genre> contains authority="dct", that may be used in dc:type and typeOfResource dropped. 

<xs:element ref="subject"/> 




Identifier <xs:element ref="identifier"/>   
Custom Unique Identifier   File name of the AV reource  
Relation <xs:element ref="part"/> 

<relatedItem> data is parsed into subelements in MODS (any MODS element may be used).  
Implementations may wish to consider the relatedItem type to determine mapping. If type="constituent", a full description may be given under relatedItem and conversion may result in an incomprehensible value. Alternatively, an application may wish to map only some elements under <relatedItem>, e.g., <titleInfo> and <identifier> or <location> if a full MODS description is given. 

For example, if giving a reference to a resource fully described in MODS relatedItem, one could use: <relatedItem><identifier> 
and/or title of a resource: <relatedItem><titleInfo><title> 

Rights Statement <accessCondition>   Not sure that <accessCondition> should only hold the boilerplate language on copyright – perhaps more collection-specific info should be available if it exists  
Preferred Citation n/a  
Source Metadata URI

ASpace URL  






ZJ requested that we use this for the url from ArchivesSpace for that specific object.  

This is a unique identifier from the URL (of the finding aid). It is essentially the same as the resource URI found in the ASpace bulk upload templates. It is the URL without the domain name. Example: if the URL is https://collections.library.vanderbilt.edu/repositories/2/resources/2074 the Resource URI will be repositories/2 /resources/2074.   


"recordOrigin" is intended to show the origin, or provenance of the MODS record. This might include what methods were used to prepare it (machine generated or human prepared), or what transformations had been applied (i.e., the result of converting an existing MARC 21 record to MARCXML and to MODS). It can be free text or an institution may establish locally-controlled values for machine processing and consistency. There is no MARC equivalent to <recordOrigin>. 

Custom field 1   


Custom field 2  <xs:element ref="location"/>  Local designation for location