
Creating a Single Resource (Item) in Aviary:

Detailed instructions for creating items manually can also be found in Aviary's documentation at this link.

Instructions for Resource Creation/Metadata:

  1. In the navigation menu to the left, select Resources, then click Add Resources. 
  2. Enter the following elements: 
Field Required (Y/N) Guidelines Notes Examples
Collection Y   Select the appropriate collection from the drop-down menu.   
Display Title Y DACS Title as the public will see it.   
Featured Y   yes/no  
Status Y  

Public (default), Restricted, or Private. Even if marked “Public” here, items will only be visible to the public if the Collection is also marked Public. 

As regards the item record and its metadata: 

  • Private: Viewable to library staff only. 

  • Restricted: Viewable to the VU community only. 

  • Public: Viewable to all 

Note that media files themselves can also be configured to be Public or Private. Unless the VU Libraries have been granted intellectual property rights to the recording, media files should be configured as private.

Custom Unique Identifier Y  

Filename of the resource. Must be unique across all Aviary resources. 

Essential components for a minimal string are: Title, date, format, physical description. 

  1. Click Save, then Next. 
  2. Select the file(s) for the public access/streaming copy of the media resource, then click Upload and Continue and wait patiently for the upload to complete. 
  3. Once uploaded, click Edit Description. 
  4. In the following form, enter data as relevant using the guidelines set forth in Vanderbilt’s Aviary metadata guide [LINK TO METADATA DOCUMENT]. 
  5. When done, click Save. 
  6. At this point, you also have options to enter files for an Index, Transcript or other Supplemental Files. Further documentation from Aviary for these procedures can be found at this link.