
Schemata and Vocabularies Used/Recommended:


  • The access platform Aviary uses a form of Dublin Core to describe resources. In the bulk upload there are two spreadsheets. The resource spreadsheet contains the descriptive metadata for the audio-visual files. Controlled vocabularies and authority lists will be used in addition to the system of free-text tags that Aviary allows.  

  • Descriptions of record for Aviary resources held by Special Collections reside in ArchivesSpace. EAD finding aids in ArchivesSpace use DACS, along with controlled vocabularies and authority lists. It is important to consider DACS for formatting titles and might be used for labeling dates. 

    • Some collections that will likely be migrated to Aviary do not utilize ArchivesSpace (e.g., Blair Performance Archive, Digital Collection of East African Sound Recordings, etc.). 

  • The preservation platform Fedora uses MODS. The items in Aviary will be preserved in Fedora. Preservation metadata will eventually be automated. The minimum scheme consists of Title, Date, Format, and File name.  


  • The PBCore standard is among the most robust available for the description of audiovisual content. While the PBCore schema can’t be completely implemented within Aviary, the array of defined PBCore roles for creators/contributors and vocabularies for common and obscure historical format carriers is invaluable. 

  • In standard library catalogs, the Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF) is the main source for the identification of authorized forms of names of persons, organizations, events, and places. If we anticipate including Aviary resources in a federated search setting with traditional library materials (e.g., in Primo), it is recommended that they share common forms of name. 

  • The Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) are arguably the most widely adopted vocabulary for subjects in the world. Some may harbor concerns about its “datedness” in certain topical areas. But, in anticipation of Aviary resources eventually becoming available in a federated search setting with traditional library resources, it remains advisable to use a common standard where possible. 

  • The Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT) are the prevailing standard in traditional libraries for the description of genres/forms. While it isn’t entirely clear-cut in Aviary where or how these terms should be treated, they are still recommended where relevant.