
Step 4: Prepare Your Resource CSV File (with metadata):

Specific guidelines as per metadata standards and controlled vocabularies can be accessed in the Aviary Metadata Documentation [LINK TO METADATA DOCUMENT]. 

Open the Aviary-resource-csv-template.csv file. The required columns in this file are “aviary ID” (again, just leave this column blank), “Resource User Key,” “Title,” “Public,” and “Featured.” Note that you can always leave columns blank if you do not have data to fill them. 

To populate the “Resource User Key” column, copy and paste the “Resource User Key” column from your Media CSV file. If there were multiple media files for any of the resources, there will be duplicates in this column. Be sure to delete those. 

If you have a list of titles for your resources, add those to the “Title” column. You could also use placeholder titles for now and change these later. Note that your title must not exceed 255 characters—anything longer than that will cause upload errors. 

For “Public,” enter “yes” to make a resource public, enter “no” to make it restricted, or leave the field blank to make it private (so that no one will know the resource exists). 

For “Featured,” enter “no” to keep the resource from being featured. Entering “yes” will make this resource a feature this on your organization’s homepage and on the collection homepage. If this resource is also public, making it featured will make it a candidate to be found on the main Aviary homepage, too. 

The following fields are not required for an upload, but if you have data to fill them, you can go ahead and enter that information in your CSV file: 

  • Date: A date or dates associated with the resource in ISO date format (YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD). 

  • Format: A free-text description of the format of the audio or video. Separate multiple formats with the pipe character. 

  • Identifier: An external identifier associated with the resource. Vanderbilt local identifiers include manuscript number and item number (i.e., mss.0734.2803). 

  • Custom Unique Identifier: Using this unique identifier for your resource, you can construct a direct URL as follows: https://aviary.library.vanderbilt.edu/c/[custom-unique-identifier]. Because this value becomes part of a URL, Aviary does not support the use of the following special characters: \ " ! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? % # [ ].  

  • Preferred Citation: The preferred citation for the resource. SCUA currently uses this format for citations: [Resource Title], [Collection Title], Special Collections Library, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. 

Further guidelines for the CSV files for Index, Transcript or other Supplemental Files can be found at https://confluence.weareavp.com/display/AVIARYSUPP/Add+Transcripts+and+Indexes+to+a+Resource.