
Authorized User Roles

Adding resources to and adding/editing metadata in the Aviary platform is restricted to authorized users,called Aviary publishers. There are three different levels permissions for a publisher:

  • Organization owner (this role is restricted to LTDS and the Aviary Project Owner)
  • Organization admin
  • Organization user
This table shows the actions associated with the organization owner, admin, and user roles in Aviary.
Actions: Owner Admin User
Access to organization backend X X X
Create and manage collections and resources X X X
Bulk import resources X X X
Download public transcripts X X X
Download private transcripts X X X
Request transcript creation X X  
Add and manage users X X  
Manage integrations X X  
Manage permission groups X X  
Manage access requests X X  
Manage organization profile X X  
Edit organization theme X    
Approve automated transcript jobs X    
Manage billing information X