
Step 5: Import Your Files into Aviary

  1. On the Imports page, click the “New Import” button. 
  2. On the “Import Resources” page, select “Aviary Package Import” and then browse and select your Resource CSV file, Media CSV file, any other relevant CSV files (e.g., transcript, index) and zipped (ZIP) folder of media files. 

Screenshot showing the options on the Select Files to Import page of Aviary.

  1. Select the relevant collection for the resources.

Screenshot showing the options to Select or Create a collection in Aviary. Existing collections display as a drop-down under Select.

  1. Click “Add to Queue.”
  2. You will then be redirected to the Manage Imports page, where you should see your import awaiting action. You will see options to either Edit (by uploading new CSV or ZIP files), Preview, Start Import, or Remove. 

Screenshot showing the Manage Imports page in Aviary.

Click “Preview” to make sure that your metadata fields matched up correctly. 

Screenshot showing the Import Resources - Preview page in Aviary.

When you are ready to import, click “Start Import.” The status will change to “In Progress.” It may take a while to complete. 

When the upload finishes, the status will change to “Complete.” (You may have to refresh the page to see the updated status.) If the upload was not completely successful, an “Errors” button will appear to the right of the import in “Manage Imports.” Click this button to see what errors occurred. Edit your ZIP and CSV files to correct the errors, click “Edit” in the “Manage Imports” page, and redo the upload with the corrected files. 

Once you are certain that the upload is complete and correct, you can delete the media files from your local environment.