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LAW 7278 - International Intellectual Property Law - Gervais: Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions

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Commentary on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Search Library Catalog for Commentary on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Legislative History

Introductory Materials on traditional knowledge and cultural expressions

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Search these databases using any of the search terms shown above or other search terms that you deem relevant

Note on HeinOnline

Where on Westlaw or Lexis you would search for the word cultural within 5 words of the term expression by typing Cultural /5 expression, on HeinOnline, you must type "Cultural expression"~5


Also try searching the indexes below for relevant terms. Always use the most closely related synonym for your term that appears in the dropdown menus. (Don't worry, indexes are just another kind of database that mostly contains citations rather than full-text.)

Search Terms

"traditional knowledge"

"cultural expression"


United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Subject Headings

Cultural property Protection Law and legislation.

Intellectual property.

Traditional ecological knowledge -- Law and legislation

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