For each book, hover over the "i" button to get more information about the book.
You can also combine Subject Headings with Keywords to find any books on the role of IPRs in dealing with climate change among developing countries.
Where on Westlaw or Lexis you would search for the word Paris within 5 words of the term 10bis by typing Paris /5 10bis, on HeinOnline, you must type "Paris 10bis"~5
Also try searching the indexes below for relevant terms. Always use the most closely related synonym for your term that appears in the dropdown menus. (Don't worry, indexes are just another kind of database that mostly contains citations rather than full-text.)
Mostly U.S. and some Canadian scholarly legal articles.
Start typing in keywords related to your topic.
After you use the link above to log in, you can try this sample search: Keyword ("Climate change") And Keyword ("Developing countries") And Subject ("Intellectual property")
Also try using these search terms:
climate change
Climatic changes
developing countries
developing nations
technology transfer
intellectual property protection
intellectual property
Environmental Technologies
Clean Technologies
Comprehensive database on articles on every aspect of public international law. Primary documents, such as treaties, are also available for some entries.
Adding 2016 to the site search may give you better results