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LAW 7278 - International Intellectual Property Law - Gervais: Plain Packaging

Ways to find the case

Use a secondary source to lead you to the primary source.


Try searching a legal news source like:

You can also search for a law review article on the case. Remembering that for the most recent cases, information about the case may be gleaned from legal news and blogs, but are less likely to appear in a scholarly article.

Search through the articles for an article that provides a reference to the relevant case.


Once you have the citation to the case

Interpret the citation to figure out which international body heard the case and try:

1. Looking for a database that includes decisions from that international body.

2. Looking at the international body's website for the relevant documents.

In this case, we are looking for Permanent Court of Arbitration decisions.

Look for the case in multiple places to see what related documents each new source provides.

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UNCTAD's Investment Policy Hub

Select the Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator > Institutions > limit to Administering institution: PCA.

Relevant Blog Posts

Legal News and Law Blogs often discuss emerging cases and may give you enough information to find the official case.

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Case Commentary

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