The interactive map will show you court information in the right column for any country clicked on the map or,
using the scroll bar, select from the text listing and then scroll back to the top to read the information.
To return to the map from the PDF 2012 "full study" view for certain countries, click your browser's " " Back button.
European Patent Office Reports"Full-text decisions of the European Patent Office and its boards of appeal, including cross-references to rules of the European Patent Convention, as reported in European Patent Office Reports. Coverage begins with 1979."
European Union Cases: European Trade Mark Reports"Full-text trademark decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities, designated trademark courts, and domestic courts, as well as trademark applications submitted to and decisions of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Opposition Division and boards of appeal). Coverage begins with 1996."
United Kingdom Cases: Intellectual Property"Combination database containing U.K. and European decisions from Sweet & Maxwell's Entertainment and Media Law Reports, European Trade Mark Reports, Fleet Street Reports, Reports of Patent Cases, and European Patent Office Reports. Coverage begins with 1966."
United States Court of International Trade
Earliest opinion dated 1980
Frequency: /As received from/the court;
Update Schedule: Updated regularly - Atypical update schedule | as received from the court
Description: The US Court of International Trade Cases (CIT) file contains cases from the United States Court of International Trade. Also contains abstracts from the United States Court of International Trade Decisions dated 1981 through 1988.
Lets you search ECJ and EU General Court case law. The interface and search options for this subject, however, are not as robust as those of Lexis or Westlaw.
First log into Oxford Reports on International Law then click the link above.
Provides access to select cases from domestic and international courts and arbitral cases.
Provides links to related materials.
EPO National Statutory and Court Information
The downloadable "Patent Litigation in Europe" from the EPO provides flowcharts showing the judicial process for patent related matters in the courts for each of the European Patent Convention member states.
The report also provides some pages of textual information in its 126 pages for each member country. The report is free, but an Email address needs to be submitted.
The Foreign Law Guide offers "...information on sources of foreign law, including complete bibliographic citations to legislation, ... and selected references to primary and secondary sources...". A brief section describing the national court system is included at the beginning of the country entries for most, if not all, of the countries covered.
Browse the Countries list at the bottom of the page for the specific country of interest to you.
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