Chronicles past and present popular culture in art, film, drama, music, radio, television, comic books, the graphic novel, and more. Includes articles on film, film stars, film producers and directors, television, television stars, Hollywood moguls, Yiddish theater, Yiddish film, and theater.
Articles on Jewish life, culture, history, music, philosophy, and religion covering from the Second Temple period to the contemporary State of Israel, written by Israeli, American and European subject specialists.
Lengthy overview articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars.
Criticism / Reviews
The following databases contain scholarly articles and film criticism & reviews. Most databases allow results to be filtered by Item Type or Document Type "review" (usually in Advanced Search).
Use this database to locate original film reviews published opening night. Provides access to major U.S. newspapers and newspapers and magazines published for ethnic communities in the U.S.
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