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BSCI 1510L Literature and Stats Guide: 2 Project timeline

Introduction to Biological Sciences lab, first semester

2 Project timeline (general format)

Week   Task
1 introduction to writing in science, tools, and ideas
2 Read abstracts and introductions of three papers on the effectiveness of antibacterial soap.
3 Read methods and results sections of the three papers.  Examine protocol of former soap experiment and think about its design and flaws.
4 Read on number and types of treatments, data collection methods, and sample size. 
5 Decide upon a project option, modify for group needs. Discuss the design of your experiment. Turn in introduction and methods.
7 Conduct experiment
7.1 Collect data outside of class (usually the day after the experiment was conducted)
8 Analyze data.
8-11 Receive analysis back from grader with comments (draft versions to critique encouraged).
11 Submit final draft to TA for grading.  The final draft will be graded mostly on the adherence to overall format of a scientific paper. Sample rubrics on-line (may be modified by Grader).