Business Resources for the Undergraduate Business Program

Walker Management Library

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Walker Management *Library
Walker Management Library
Owen Graduate School of Management
401 21st. Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203

Want to Quickly Find Journals?

If you know a specific article that you want to read but don't know where to find it, use the Journal Search function. It tells you which Vanderbilt databases have the full text of your article. If the article is not available, it lets you request that the Library obtain a copy for you. This service is called ILL (or Interlibrary Loan.)

We also have access to journals via the Browzine platform, making it easy to keep up with journals in your area of study right from your tablet or smartphone. See the Browzine research guide for more information, or click on the Browzine logo while looking at a journal's information. 

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is another tool you can use to search for scholarly literature online. Google Scholar provides access to "peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations."

Often Google Scholar has the full text of the articles when you are on the Vanderbilt network using the Findit@VU links. If you are off campus, the FindIt@VU links won't appear unless you use the Google Scholar link above.

What do I need for an ILL request?

All you need is your VUnet ID and password, and the citation information for the resource you are requesting.  Just click on the link below and login to the library's Interlibrary Loan Service.

Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review is available via the database Business Source Complete. Students can search for Harvard Business Review via the eJournal locator, click on the Find it @ VU button to the right of the title, then select Business Source Complete. This will take them to the landing page within Business Source Complete that is dedicated to Harvard Business Review; they can then either browse by date on the right hand side, or search within the publication. 

Harvard Business Cases are not available through the library as they will not sell their cases to academic libraries. They are available for a small cost (~$7-$15) directly to a student.