Access to the test collection is limited to licensed/qualified faculty and graduate students under direct faculty supervision due to the ethical and legal requirements stated by test publishers. It is essential that the use of the test collection be limited to these constituents in order to maintain the validity of the tests. The collection is maintained in locked files.
In order to access a test, you will need to look up the test title in the Library Catalog. Next you will need to fill out the test request form. You will be notified once the test is ready for you to pick up at the Peabody Library's Service Desk.
Authorized users must present a valid VU ID card for check-out.
Peabody Library owns 400 circulating tests, all of which can be located through the Library Catalog . The most efficient way to find tests, aside from doing a title search, is to use the Advanced Keyword Search in the catalog.
Helpful Tips for Advanced Searching:
Build a search with keywords such as "Toddler" and "Development."
Once the initial search is run use the Filters to limit the search.
Set Filters as:
Any Test that has a call number listed, will be located in the CMC (Peabody Library, Room 307) and are available for use by all Vanderbilt students, faculty, and staff.
Any Test in the restricted collection will have a call number listed as SHELVED BY TITLE.
You can use the following databases to find test reviews and information such as purpose, population, scoring, etc. to determine a test that will meet your needs.
Guide to testing instruments. Contains information essential for a complete evaluation of test products within such diverse areas as psychology, education, business, and leadership. Comprehensive bibliography to all known commercially available tests that are currently in print in English. Includes test purpose, test publisher, in-print status, price, test acronym, intended test population, administration times, publication date(s), and test author(s).
APA PsycTests is a full text and multimedia database of psychological tests from the early 1900s to the present. Test records include descriptive summaries of the test and its development and administration, mostly drawn from articles in peer-reviewed journals or books, with downloadable tests. 75% of the test records contain the actual test or test items.
In rare cases, authors of a journal article will discuss a test or measure that they have either used or created in their article. The authors should include the scale in the appendix of their article.
Use PsycINFO to find articles that included appended tests. You would place your subject in one of the search boxes and select it as a “descriptor”, and then put the words “append*” in the second search box and select it as a “keyword”.
Make sure to put an * (asterisk) at the root of the word. The * (asterisk) tells the database to look for the word "append", "appended" and "appendix" in the citations.
Using the Internet to find information on tests is not recommended.
The reasons why Web use is discouraged is because:
Dissertations can be a rich source for finding test information because doctoral students often implement and create instruments for their own research. You can use the Digital Dissertations database to search for tests that may be contained in the appendixes of dissertations. When searching Digital Dissertations, you can use the combination of tests, measure, or instrument along with you subject inquiry. Then check the abstracts of the citations to see if a test or measurement is mentioned.
Here is an example search: Young adults AND suicide AND test or measure