MUSL 1650 - History of Rock Music - Gunderman

A guide to library resources and services that will help students to complete their artist paper assignment.

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Kate Linton
Wilson Music Library Office #2134B
(615) 343-1852

Consider creating an outline for your artist paper now that you have evaluated your sources. Decide where your sources will come into play based on what you would like to say in each section of your paper. 

How can I use this source?

Try using the B.E.A.M. Method when evaluating and using your sources to help create an outline for your artist paper. B.E.A.M. stands for background, exhibit, argument, and method. For your paper, you will most likely be using background, exhibit, and argument without using method. 

B = Background: 

  • Provide facts
  • Sources to consider: biographies (books), encyclopedias, articles, personal accounts or interviews. 

E = Exhibit (evidence): 

  • Give an example of evidence or explanation to argue a point
  • Sources to consider: recordings, interviews, articles, or newspapers

A = Argument:

  • Sources that the writer can make an argument with (argue in favor of or dispute)
  • Sources to consider: books, journal articles, magazine articles, interviews, opinion pieces, chapters

Adapted from: Rogers, Lynne, Karen M. Bottge, and Sara Haefeli. "Organizing sources." In Writing in Music : A Brief Guide, 57. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.