MUSL 1650 - History of Rock Music - Gunderman

A guide to library resources and services that will help students to complete their artist paper assignment.

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Kate Linton
Wilson Music Library Office #2134B
(615) 343-1852

Evaluate Sources

You gathered background information, books sources, articles, news, or even interviews. Now you have to interpret your findings and decide which sources speak to the question you are trying to answer. Options for evaluating sources: 

  • Free-write: how will this source help make my claim for this artist or group? how does it not? 
  • What biases does the source have? 
  • Who is the author and what authority does he/she/they have? 
  • When was it written/created? 
  • What is the thesis statement? 
  • Who is the audience for this source? 
  • What information is referenced in the bibliography? 

After answering these questions, you decide if you have enough quality information to wirte your artist paper. If not, you may have to go back to the drawing board for finding sources or reach out to a librarian.