Welcome to the Reflection Room at Peabody Library, a dedicated space for meditation, reflection, and stress reduction. This tranquil environment is designed to provide a peaceful retreat where you can unwind, practice mindfulness, and rejuvenate.
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Mindfulness & Social Emotional Online Resources in Education
APA PsycINFO is a comprehensive indexing and abstracts of the international psychological literature. Journals, articles, books, dissertations, etc. Subjects include: applied psychology, communication systems, developmental psychology, educational psychology, experimental human and animal psychology, personality, psychological and physical disorders, physiological psychology and neuroscience, professional personnel and issues, psychometrics and statistics, social psychology, social processes and issues, sports psychology and leisure, treatment and prevention.
Yoga and mindfulness activities, with roots in Asian traditions such as Hinduism or Buddhism, have been brought into growing numbers of public schools since the 1970s. While they are commonly assumed to be secular educational tools, Candy Gunther Brown asks whether religion is truly left out of the equation in the context of public school curricula.
Mindfulness for Preschool and Kindergarten offers an effective, adaptable, multisensory, and skills-based social-emotional learning (SEL) program to help preschool and kindergarten-aged children learn to self-regulate, ensuring a peaceful and prosocial learning environment in the classroom. The hands-on OpenMind program in this book will help kids cope with stress and trauma, process and understand difficult emotions, and interact positively with others.
This handbook, named a Best Courageous Book of 2014 by The Center for Courage and Renewal, was written with school leaders in mind—your responsibilities, your stress, and your schedule.
For professionals who work with students on the autism spectrum in inclusive classroom settings, supporting emotional regulation is key. This practical guide outlines cognitive and language strategies that support emotional regulation, which the authors have found successful with their students with autism, supported by research that shows why they work.
The Restorative Practices Playbook details a set of practices designed to teach prosocial behaviors based on strong relationships and a commitment to the well-being of others. Implementing restorative practices establishes a positive academic and social-emotional learning environment while building students' capacity to self-regulate, make decisions, and self-govern--the very skills students need to achieve.
A teacher's well-being has a powerful impact on their work with children, families, and colleagues, and can influence the overall quality of the program in which they are employed. With a specific focus on the unique factors related to the field of early childhood care and education, this book discusses the concept of well-being and how it applies specifically to teachers of young children.
Packed with creative, effective ideas for bringing mindfulness into the classroom, child therapy office, or community, this book features sample lesson plans and scripts, case studies, vignettes, and more.
The "Zones" concept and learning activites help children and adults manage their emotions and sensory needs while also addressing executive functioning skills and "Social Thinking" concepts. The "Zones" teach students and clients how to identify their levels of arousal and/or sensory needs and which calming strategies work for them.
This indispensable resource provides a flexible framework and a wealth of engaging tools for teaching mindfulness to children and adolescents with varying needs in school or clinical settings. Numerous kid-friendly mindfulness practices are presented, complete with step-by-step instructions, sample scripts, suggested variations, and discussion questions.
An essential mindfulness-based approach to increase our mental and emotional capacity to heal from injustices done against us. Law professor and mindfulness practitioner Rhonda Magee shows that the work of racial justice begins with ourselves. When conflict and division are everyday realities, our instincts tell us to close ranks, to find the safety of our own tribe, and to blame others. The practice of mindfulness--paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in an open, nonjudgmental way--increases our emotional resilience, giving us the space to become less reactive and to choose how we respond to injustice.
Using the principles of mindfulness, Dr. Albers presents a guide to healthy eating and self-acceptance that will help readers navigate the weight-obsessed, diet-crazed, high-pressure, fast food-saturated college environment, establishing patterns of eating that will form the groundwork for a healthier life well beyond college.
Mindfulness for Young Adults: Tools to Thrive in School and Life is an interactive experience designed to enhance mindful awareness and to aid in teaching and learning the principles and practice of mindfulness. Blending theory, research, and practice to offer a comprehensive program for young adults to build well-being tools, each of the book's five modules includes engaging information, strategies, meditations, and activities designed to deepen understanding and application of mindfulness.
This book maps out the relationship between the discovery of heartfulness and the psychology of inner peace. It presents a rigorous psychological analysis of the underlying components of the psychology of inner peace and the role of innerness in addressing the nature of peace.
This interactive playbook provides the language, moves, and evidence-based advice you need to nurture social and emotional learning in yourself, your students, and your school.
Written by an experienced school and meditation teacher, this book is packed with tried and tested mindfulness exercises and relevant follow-up wellbeing, pastoral and academic activities for anyone working with young people.
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