Reflection Room @ Peabody Library

Welcome to the Reflection Room at Peabody Library, a dedicated space for meditation, reflection, and stress reduction. This tranquil environment is designed to provide a peaceful retreat where you can unwind, practice mindfulness, and rejuvenate.

Reserve the Reflection Room



The Reflection Room @ Peabody Library is inspired by the Brain Booth at Georgia Southern University Libraries

The Reflection Room seeks to introduce the Vanderbilt University community to international scientific research on the effects of mindfulness, attention, and contemplation through hands-on tools and activities in an experiential setting. Students are especially encouraged to explore the positive impacts of an intentional brain break on their academic success. 

Although the Peabody Library recognizes the contributions of people of all faiths and backgrounds to mindfulness practices, it has no religious affiliation. People of all abilities, cultures, and religions are welcome in the Reflection Room.

DISCLAIMER: The Reflection Room is not intended to be and should not be used as a substitute for medical or mental health treatment and/or services! 

Share and Donate to the Reflection Room

  • Share your ideas. You can propose an activity, provide feedback about your experiences, offer suggestions about how we might spread the word and more. 
  • Facilitate a special session. Are you a meditation teacher, yoga instructor, hypnotherapist, massage therapist, philosopher, or artist? We would be happy to support your volunteer service in the library. Please note that Vanderbilt University has no religious affiliation.
  • Partner with us. We'd love to hear from you if you're a faculty member interested in exploring contemplative pedagogy. If you or your undergraduate/graduate students are interested in exploring research around mindfulness or contemplation, we'd be happy to support your scholarship.
  • Donate materials. Please get in touch with us if you have possible donations. We currently need:
    • Bluetooth speakers
    • Pedal study desks

Would you be interested in any of the above or something else to share? 

Email your comments and reflections on the Reflection Room to or use the following form: