Individual libraries may grant borrowing privileges for their specific library to a variety of patron groups. See the chart for system-wide courtesy access and borrowing cards.
- Cross-registered students receive Vanderbilt ID cards and should be included in the daily feed.
- Alumni IDs for the University and the Medical Center are valid for the period of one year and have an expiration date of one year from issue. Starting with the class of 2010, students will keep their VUNetIDs. Before the class of 2010, alumni will be issued an ALT_ID to log in to Library Catalog. Alumni VUnetIDs and ALT_IDs grant remote login to select library databases.
- Faculty from ARL institutions are granted courtesy borrowing. Faculty members of other research universities that are ARL (Association of Research Libraries) members should contact MAT Trotter (mat.trotter@Vanderbilt.Edu [preferred] or 615-322-6993) to apply for borrowing privileges. To borrow materials, the visiting faculty member must present the Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program card (obtained at their home library prior to visit). For a list of participating RLAC institutions see this list.
- Spouse IDs and Dependent IDs are valid for the period of one year and have an expiration date of one year from issue. Cards are issued at the Vanderbilt Card Office or the Medical Center Card Office depending on place of spouse’s employment. Cards are labeled "Family". Spouses have courtesy borrowing; dependents have access only. The faculty, staff or student must accompany their family member and show ID in order to create the spouse or dependent ID card. The Card Office does not issue spouse or dependent cards for family members of retirees.
- Visiting scholars, interns/observers, and non-OFAC/RLAC university and high school faculty may obtain borrowing privileges with the sponsorship of a VU department (visiting scholars, interns/observers) or their home university/school (non-RLAC university and high school faculty). Visiting scholars will typically have an appointment letter which should be retained, but it is acceptable if they only have the signed form. Non-RLAC university and high school faculty should contact MAT Trotter (mat.trotter@Vanderbilt.Edu [preferred] or 615-322-6993) to apply for borrowing privileges.
- High school students may borrow VU library materials through a librarian at their school library, to be sent via Athena.