Use Fulfillment>Manage Patron Services to find current and past billing information, and to assign, credit or waive fines/fees.
From Fulfillment>Manage Patron Services, click on the user’s Active Balance.
Select the desired fees using the adjacent checkboxes. Select Waive Selected. The subsequent confirmation screen will ask you to provide a reason the fine is being waived.
Staff considering manual billing should always keep in mind that:
From Fulfillment>Manage Patron Services, click on the user’s Active Balance.
Click on Add Fine or Fee.
If you manually bill for an item, mark it as Lost. In the user's list of Loans (from Manage Patron Services) choose Lost from the row actions list at the end of that item's row.
Click on the user’s Active Balance.
To see a complete billing history, choose All from the Status dropdown.
Owed amounts are listed as Active. Paid amounts, or amounts transferred to Student Accounts, are listed as Closed.
When crediting a fine associated an item, it saves time to have the barcode of that item available for pasting.
From Fulfillment>Manage Patron Services, click on the user’s Active Balance.
Click on Add Fine or Fee.
Choose Credit for Fee Type, and complete the other fields as appropriate.