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Vanderbilt Television News Archive Tutorials : Member Login

A how to guide for account creation, finding content, ordering news episodes or segments, creating a Media Account, and receiving content in the Media Account.

Logging In

This tutorial shows how to login to your account. To start, be sure you have created an account.   Once you have your Member ID and Password, navigate to TV News Archive. The home page of VTNA

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Lgin

The bottom of the home page of VTNA

From the Member Login screen enter the following:

The login page of VTNA where you enter Member ID and password

Member ID Field: Enter your Member ID

Password Field: Enter your Password

Click Login

The login page of VTNA with an example of how to add credentials

Upon login you will see Customer Account Profile which contains, Account Details, Actions and Pending Orders. Under Actions you can search the database, update your profile, or logout.

Customer details