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Vanderbilt Television News Archive Tutorials : Account Creation

A how to guide for account creation, finding content, ordering news episodes or segments, creating a Media Account, and receiving content in the Media Account.

create a VTNA account

This tutorial shows how to create an account and login. Navigate to the Television News Archive website

The home page of the VTNA

Next, we will scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Login

The bottom of the home page.

From the login screen, click on register 

The login page

This bring us to the Create a Member Account page

the Member creation page

Under Basic Info enter you first name in the first name field, your last name in the last name field and your email address  in the email address field. Create a MEMBER ID. Your ID can contain characters A-Z and 0-9, with no spaces. The member ID will need to be a member Id that is not already in use by one of our users. Enter the ID you prefer, you will be notified if it is not available.

Entering your basic information.

Password: Your password ID should contains a mix of lowercase letter, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters for maximum security. It must be at least 8 characters long. 

Organizational Affiliation: Organizational Affiliation field:Chose you affliction from the drop down.

Organization or Company: Enter the organization or company you are affiliated with, if any.

Title or Position: Enter your title or position, if any.undefinedDemographic Information:

Mailing Address: Enter your mailing address in the mailing address field 

City: Enter the city of your mailing address in the city field 

State of Province: Select your State or Province from drop down 

Country: Select your Country from the drop down

Phone: Enter your phone number

Click Create Account 

Next, you will receive an Account activation email from Vanderbilt Television News Archive.

In a new tab, open the email service you used to create an account.

A screenshot of an example email account

Open the email and click the Activate your account link contained in the email to verify your email address and activate your account. 


You have successfully created a Vanderbilt Television News Archive Account. 
