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Vanderbilt Television News Archive Tutorials : Advanced Search

A how to guide for account creation, finding content, ordering news episodes or segments, creating a Media Account, and receiving content in the Media Account.

how to perform an advanced search

This tutorial shows the advanced search functions. Navigate to TV News Archive. To start, be sure you have created an account and are logged in.   Once you are logged in, click search at the top of the page.

screenshot of clicking on search

This opens the Search page.

screenshot of the search page

To right side of the search box, click advanced

screenshot of the location of the advanced search button

This opens the advanced search options.

screenshot of the advance search page

Here you can limit your search to a specific date or range of dates, limit to reporter or anchor, limit by network, limit be search type “word search” or “phrase search” You can sort by most recent, newest, oldest. You can search by specific network. You can also filter your search by commercials, news segments, program introduction, good night segments, specials, or evening news.   Enter any keywords, dates, reporter or anchor, search type, sort by, specific network, or what type of clip or news program you prefer.

screenshot of searching for terms

Click Search

screenshot of the location of the search button.

This returns the advanced search results

screenshot of search results

From the results page you may click on the title of the program or details/video to display the record for the results.

screenshot of the location of Details/Video

Doing so will display the record.   The records displays metadata for the specific record and a viewer that will allow you to view the specific clip

screenshot of a typical record

The record displays metadata for the specific record and a viewer that will allow you to view the specific clip.

Note: if you are not affiliated with and on an authorized network for Vanderbilt, or a sponsoring institution, you will not be able to view the video. If you wish to borrow the clip, click Add Clip

screenshot of clicking add clip

This will add the clip to your cart.

screenshot of a shopping cart with one or more clip

Click on the cart to view the contents of your cart.

screenshot of clicking on the shopping cart in the top right corner

This displays the contents of your cart.

screenshot of a shopping cart