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RPW 2610W A Hands-On History of the American Research University - Loss, Meadows: The Gilded Age

Library research guide for "RPW2610W A Hands-On History of the American Research University."


The Gilded Age spans the years 1870 to 1900.  The term for these years is taken from a satirical novel by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner titled, The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today.  Published in 1873, the novel depicts a post-Civil War America as an age of corruption populated by robber barons, corrupt politicians, and dishonest bankers.

This era also sees the rise of a middle class, many of whom sought to improve their own lives and those of their children through education.  Explore the resources below for primary and secondary sources on this era.  Additional resources can be found through the library catalog, the Collections Guides database, and by working with one of your course librarians.

Primary Sources

You will need to log into the Sanborn Maps database before following these links to individual pages. 

Secondary Sources