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First published in 2001, the Stata Journal contains peer-reviewed articles, columns, comments, book reviews, and other content of interest to users of the software package.  In fact, the periodical traces its origins back to the Stata Technical Bulletin (STB), which appeared every two months beginning in 1991.   Since January 2019, Sage Publishing has issued the Stata Journal on a quarterly basis. 

The academic journal seeks to be a "publication for all Stata users, both novice and experienced, with various levels of expertise in statistics, research design, data management, graphics, reporting of results, and of Stata in particular."      

Stata Journal

Members of the Vanderbilt University community currently enjoy online access to 15 years of back issues of the Stata Journal from its inaugural edition in March 2001 through the December 2016 issue.  

While access to many articles in the Stata Journal requires a subscription or affiliation with an institution of higher education like VU, Clarivate reports that between the years 2018 and 2020, over 14% of Journal contributors applied Creative Commons licenses to their work.  The recently published July 2022 issue, for example, contains gold open access pieces by Troncoso & Morales-Gomez (2022), Pinna (2022), and Cox (2022) that are both accessible and downloadable without paid access.  

In addition to the peer-reviewed articles, columns, and other materials referenced in the introduction above, every issue of the Stata Journal arrives bundled with software related to content featured in the periodical.  Sage Publishing makes these supplements available to both subscribers and non-subscribers.  By using the net command, users can load archived Journal software directly from the Stata interface.  More information and in-depth instructions may be found here and here.  Working back-and-forth between a newly published issue and its supplemental software provides Journal readers with an effective means of expanding their skill set in cutting-edge directions.     

According to Clarivate's Journal Citation Reports (JCR), the Stata Journal scores very highly in the category of Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods - Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).  In 2021, the periodical ranked 9th out of 65 competing journals.  It scores even higher among Statistics & Probability publications: Clarivate ranks it 12th among 163 qualifying periodicals, which places it in the 92nd percentile.        


While StataCorp handed off to Sage in 2019 publication repsonsilbities for the Stata Journal, the company publishes additional materials through its in-house Stata Press.  Located in College Station, Texas, Stata Press "publishes books, manuals, and journals about Stata and general statistics topics for professional researchers of all disciplines."  A brief survey of recent Stata Press titles--Microeconomics Using Stata, A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics, Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, An Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers--demonstrates the publishing house's inclination toward practical and instructive content.