Hearing and Speech Sciences: Online databases

Research tools for Hearing and Speech Sciences program

Online databases

For research in Hearing and Speech Sciences, the following databases may be of especial use. They are listed in rough descending order of usefulness.

PubMed is the first stop for medical research. You will likely want to search it using the Medical Subject Headings.

PsycINFO is the premier database for articles and other resources in the psychological sciences.

Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
A comprehensive index of articles on all areas of linguistics, including applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, developmental linguistics, syntax and morphology, lexicography, sociolinguistics, learning disabilities, and hearing and speech physiology.

Science Direct, OVID, and Web of Science
Three excellent science- and medicine-focused databases.

ERIC and Education Full-Text
The two premier education databases. Start with ERIC.

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print and Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)
Two comprehensive sources of information about psychological tests, going back many decades. See this page for more information on tests and measurements.

Excellent resource for clinical research in internal medicine.

Nursing and Allied Health research.

Psychology DatabaseLinguistics Database, and Education Database
Proquest’s databases of psychology, linguistics, and education articles. They include many journals not indexed by the propreitary databases..

Oxford Psychology Handbooks
Vanderbilt has access to Oxford Handbooks in Psychology published since 2013—more than 100 handbooks in all (including The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Language). Each handbook  has about 20 to 30 articles by experts on a single small or large area of psychology. The database is a good place to browse for research ideas.

Sociological Abstracts, Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA), and Social Services Abstracts (or, to search an array of social science databases at once, try Social Science Premium Collection)

PILOTS: Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress 

JSTOR has a wide variety of material, mainly on the humanities, but touching on the behavioral sciences as well.

Psychiatry Online
Psychiatric reference titles, including DSM-5.

Vanderbilt's subscription to Kanopy, a video streaming service, includes many films relevant to the study of human development across the lifespan, as well as several touching on topics of interest to students in Hearing and Speech Sciences. Browse around.

Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global

Proquest Ebook Central
Many of Vanderbilt’s ebooks are on the Ebook Central platform.

Ebsco eBook Collection
Another large, searchable collection of ebooks.

Our book catalog
To search only for books and ebooks, be sure that "VU Collections" is checked and select "Books" from the "Material Type" drop-down menu.