Career Resources for Peabody College

Resources for Peabody College students to research companies, non-profits, etc. Tips on interviewing, cover letters and resumes.

Searching for a Job

Policy-related positions exist in every industry. A degree in public policy provides access to a wide range of employment options, including advocacy, law, justice, lobbying, and policy analysis. The primary objectives of public policy experts are to impact and, where necessary, alter policy. Public policy influences social capital and is present in all facets of daily life.

Think tanks are public-policy research organizations that aim to impact policy decisions at the local, state, and federal levels. Think tanks may concentrate on issues related to economics, education, public health, and international affairs, while their goals and political stances vary. In general, think tanks serve as a conduit between the public, scholars, and policymakers; they are ideal for people who are deeply interested in current events and who possess excellent research, writing, and communication abilities.

Career Advice Quick Tips

Tip #1 Think tank researchers must stay current on developing trends in their profession and comprehend how current events impact policy decisions.

Tip #2 You must have an understanding of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The methodological and analytical techniques used to conduct your study will vary based on the organization where you work.

Tip #3 Think tanks are known for their publications. Therefore, writing for a range of audiences, including academics, policymakers, and interested members of the public, will be essential to your work. Specifically, you will need to write well within a short timeframe and with a high degree of clarity and readability.

Tip #4 Project management, problem solving, and collaboration skills are crucial in daily operations at think tanks. Develop these competencies as a student through work experience, obtaining leadership positions in student organizations, and volunteer opportunities.

Tip #5 Although many policy roles and think tanks are available around the world, the most notable organizations are located in Washington, D.C. Be prepared for most job and internship postings in this geographic region and connect with DC-based alumni for informational interviews.

Tip #6 A federal resume is required to apply for U.S. federal government positions. Utilize the free resume builder on USAJOBS to create a resume that meets the mandated formatting expectations.

Video Resources

Resources from Vanderbilt Libraries