MUSL 3160 "Women and Rock Music" - Gunderman


In your research journal, evaluate your findings. 

  • Author and source credibility
  • Relevance: when was it written? What is the purpose?
  • Accuracy: check the sources. what sources are included?
  • What bias does the information have?
  • Who is the audience?
  • What is the tone?
  • Will this be useful for my argument (y/n)? Am I missing information that may be helpful to my research?

Annotate and Organize Information

You're almost ready to write your paper. Use your outline.

  • Annotate your sources: summarize the material. What is the thesis? 
    • How is this helpful fo rmy research?
  • Organize your information
    • How can I use this source? 
    • Where can I use this source in my paper?