Records that are not automatically loaded into Library Catalog are manually created.
Always search for patron name before creating a record.
If a match is found, use the USER Modify wizard to update the record. If no match is found, click the User Registration wizard. Designate the user profile then swipe the card to populate the User ID field.
Basic Info Tab
- NAME - Fill in fields for first name, preferred name if necessary (and check “Use preferred name”), middle initial (no period), and last name. If the patron is a faculty surrogate, type “(FS)” before the first name in the first name field.
- User ID and Profile name should be populated from swiping the ID card.
- Create ALT_ID for non-affiliated patrons who do not have a VUNetID (patrons affiliated with other universities, schools, or division-specific users). An ALT_ID is constructed as follows: First three letters of last name, first two letters of first name, two-digit birth month, two-digit birth date (LLLFFMMDD). For example, John Smith born March 12th would have an ALT_ID of SMIJO0312.
- GROUP ID - This field is used only when creating Faculty Surrogate records. The Group ID indexes together all of a faculty member’s surrogate records. Search and display the faculty member’s record and copy-paste the Group ID from their record into the field. You can also use the Copy User wizard to create the record. If the faculty member does not have a Group ID, create one by modifying the record and filling in their Group ID field with their last name and first name up to 14 characters. Then copy it into the new record’s Group ID field.
- LIBRARY - Select your library.
- PROFILE NAME - Select user’s profile type according to the types chart.
Privilege Tab
- Fill in Privilege Expires field with the expiration date appropriate to the user’s ID type.
- PIN should automatically populate with the first 4 digits of the ID number.
- Status should be OK.
- Claims Returned should be 0.
- Web auth id is for students, staff, and faculty and should be loaded automatically. If not, enter the VUnetID and enter your override.
Demographics Tab
- User cat 1 & User cat 2—Select types according to the types chart.
- Do not alter remaining fields.
Address Tab
- Select Address 3 as Primary address.
- The Address 1 field is for the campus address (for staff and faculty) or local address if there is no campus address.
- Address 2 may be left blank.
- Address 3 field is the email address field.
- When creating a surrogate record, put the name of the responsible party (c/o) on Line 1 of Address 1. In the email field, you may include both the faculty member and the surrogate’s email, separated by a comma.
- Example: Line 1 c/o John Doe
Line 2 Economics Dept.
Line 3 1811 Station B
Extended Info Tab
- This tab has a Comment field and a Note field. Comments pop up when the ID card is swiped.
- In Spouse/Partner and dependent records, the name of the sponsor should be in the Note field. In addition, in the Sponsor’s record, the name of the dependent or Spouse/Partner should be in the Note field.
- If a user has been barred for owing money in a particular library or if their address is invalid and mail is being returned, then that information should be recorded in the Comments field. Notes would include less important information about the user record such as confidential information or status information as indicated above that might be useful. Note that if you wish to delete any information in either line, erasing the information is not sufficient. You need to click on the line and then click on the delete key just as you do in address updating.