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Vanderbilt Television News Archive - Guns in America: 2010s

A selection of news reports, interviews, and investigations on the topic of gun control or gun violence in relation to US Presidential elections.

Guns and political campaigns: Reports from the 2010s to present

  Record Number Title Network Date Runtime Summary
974440 Campaign 2010 / Primaries / Tea Party ABC 9/13/2010 2 min 10 sec A report mentioning that one of the candidates, Mike Castle, is a pro-gun control moderate, highlighting the ongoing debate within the Republican Party on this issue.
  977721 Campaign 2010 / Broden's Words / A Discussion CNN 10/26/2010 11 min 0 sec Report on a Republican congressional candidate talking about overthrowing the government by any means necessary, including violence.
  999206 Campaign 2012 / Romney CBS 6/2/2011 2 min 10 sec Report mentions Mitt Romney's past reversals on gun control and his current stance on the issue.
1001488 Campaign 2012 / Republicans ABC 9/5/2011 2 min 10 sec Report on the political jockeying and campaign strategies of Republican candidates, including Rick Perry, who took a swipe at Mitt Romney while also mentioning gun control.
  1003459 Campaign 2012 / Perry and Bachmann / A Discussion CNN 9/23/2011 11 min 0 sec Report on a contentious issue between GOP presidential hopeful Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, highlighting the influence of campaign donations from a drug company in relation to a controversial executive order mandating the HPV vaccine for Texas girls.
  1003972 Campaign 2012 / Republicans / A Discussion CBS 9/30/2011 3 min 50 sec This transcript does not directly relate to the subject of guns in America as it discusses the Republican primary race and potential candidacy of Chris Christie, who is mentioned in relation to his moderate stance on gun control.
  1004009 Campaign 2012 / Republicans / Christie NBC 10/1/2011 3 min 0 sec A report mentioning Governor Chris Christie's positions on gun control, indicating that his stance on this issue could potentially impact his support in the Republican primary.
  1004645 Campaign 2012 / Romney CNN 10/11/2011 4 min 50 sec A report mentioning the skepticism of the Republican base towards Chris Christie and Mitt Romney on issues like gun control.
1011520 Campaign 2012 / South Carolina / Super PACs / A Discussion CNN 1/11/2012 10 min 20 sec Report on the Republican primary battle in South Carolina, with Newt Gingrich describing the race in biblical terms and highlighting the contrast between a pro-gun conservative and a candidate with pro-gun control views.
  1013287 Campaign 2012 / Florida / Romney vs. Gingrich / Santorum ABC 1/29/2012 5 min 40 sec Report mentions Newt Gingrich's criticism of Mitt Romney for being "pro gun control" and highlights the importance of support from different groups, including women, in the Florida primary.
  1013293 Campaign 2012 / Florida / Romney vs. Gingrich NBC 1/29/2012 8 min 10 sec Newt Gingrich criticizes Mitt Romney for being "pro gun control" and argues that the Republican party will not nominate someone with that stance.
  1019700 Campaign 2012 / Guns and Politics / A Discussion CNN 4/13/2012 8 min 0 sec Mitt Romney's stance on gun control and his relationship with the National Rifle Association.
1027416 Aurora, Colorado / Movie Theater Massacre / Gun Control CBS 7/21/2012 3 min 30 sec the ongoing debate about gun control following the Aurora Colorado shooting, the increase in gun sales despite lack of new restrictions, and the call for stricter enforcement of existing laws.
  1027458 Aurora, Colorado / Movie Theater Massacre / Gun Control / A Discussion CNN 7/24/2012 10 min 50 sec A report mentioning lawmakers discussing toughening gun laws in response to a shooting, as well as President Obama and Mitt Romney avoiding the topic of gun control.
  1039259 Obama / Press Conference / Gun Control / Fiscal Cliff NBC 12/19/2012 3 min 20 sec The tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary and the President's announcement of a task force to examine gun violence and gun control policies.
  1036638 Gun Control / Green Interview / A Discussion CNN 1/8/2013 12 min 50 sec The debate over gun control measures, including the recommendation to prevent military-style weapons from being in civilian hands and the efforts of individuals like Gabby Giffords and Roxanna Green to advocate for gun violence prevention.
1036716 Gun Control / Biden Proposals / Gingrich Interview CNN 1/10/2013 10 min 20 sec the debate over potential executive orders on gun control measures and the criticism and concerns raised by politicians and the public.
  1037050 Gun Control / Obama Plan / Two Discussions CNN 1/16/2013 15 min 20 sec Report on President Obama's efforts to move quickly on gun control following the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.
  1037452 Gun Control / Assault Weapons / Ban Bill CNN 1/24/2013 5 min 30 sec Senator Dianne Feinstein's personal motivation for advocating for strict gun control measures, including her experience with gun violence as the former mayor of San Francisco.
  1038288 Gun Violence / Obama Campaign ABC 2/4/2013 3 min 30 sec the need for new gun control measures, including requiring background checks for gun buyers and addressing mental illness as a factor in gun violence.
1048055 Gun Control / Bloomberg / Advertising Campaign CBS 3/25/2013 3 min 50 sec the battle over gun control, with the pro gun control mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, launching an ad campaign aimed at pressuring the U.S. Senate to require background checks for all gun purchases.
  1042065 Gun Control / Background Checks / Buying Guns / Keene Interview CNN 4/10/2013 13 min 30 sec A report highlighting the ease of purchasing firearms at gun shows without background checks or identification, potentially leading to untraceable weapons being obtained.
  1049548 Gun Control / Legislation NBC 4/11/2013 3 min 10 sec the shift in political attitudes towards gun control legislation following the Newtown shooting, with Republicans and Democrats coming together to address the issue.
  1042166 Gun Control / A Mother's Plea NBC 4/13/2013 4 min 30 sec the ongoing debate over gun legislation, including emotional pleas from the mother of a child killed in Newtown and the news that a Republican senator will vote for expanded background checks.
  1051545 Gun Control / Legislation NBC 5/1/2013 3 min 30 sec the aftermath of a no vote on expanded background checks for gun purchasers in the Senate and the backlash faced by lawmakers who voted against the majority opinion on gun control.
1052400 Gun Control / NRA Convention NBC 5/3/2013 2 min 10 sec the National Rifle Association's annual convention in Texas, the failed vote on background checks in the Senate, and the ongoing debate over gun control laws.
  1057586 Colorado / Gun Control / Morse CBS 6/18/2013 3 min 30 sec the push for gun control laws in Colorado following a massacre in a movie theater, including the outlawing of high-capacity ammunition magazines and the subsequent recall election targeting the state Senate president who led the effort.
1092175 Obama / Gun Control / State of the Union CNN 1/26/2014 8 min 30 sec the failed efforts to pass gun control legislation following the tragic shooting in Connecticut and the challenges the president faces in promoting his agenda in a divided Congress.
  1060461 Politics / Nugent and Texas Campaign / A Discussion CNN 2/19/2014 8 min 20 sec Report on the controversy surrounding the leading Republican candidate for governor of Texas campaigning alongside pro-gun musician Ted Nugent and his inflammatory comments about gun control and President Obama.
  1080854 Campaign 2016 / Cruz ABC 3/23/2015 2 min 20 sec A report mentioning that Republican Senator Ted Cruz, a conservative favorite, promises no gun control in his presidential campaign announcement.
  1085418 Charleston, South Carolina / Church Shooting / The Victims / Gun Control NBC 6/20/2015 9 min 10 sec Report on the accused killer Dylann Roof holding a gun and a confederate flag, as well as his plans to open fire at a Charleston college.
1086280 Campaign 2016 / Clinton / CNN Interview / A Discussion (Part II) CNN 7/7/2015 11 min 40 sec Report on immigration policies and the impact of undocumented immigrants on public safety, which is a topic often linked to the debate on gun control and gun violence in the country.
  1089146 Campaign 2016 / Trump / A Discussion CNN 9/3/2015 10 min 50 sec the current political landscape and potential Republican nominees, including their stances on gun control and Second Amendment rights.
  1089426 Campaign 2016 / Huckabee / History CNN 9/11/2015 7 min 30 sec Report on Governor Mike Huckabee's opposition to the Supreme Court's marriage decision and his comparison of it to the Dread Scott decision, highlighting the debate over public servants disregarding laws based on personal beliefs.
  1090385 Campaign 2016 / Clinton ABC 10/5/2015 2 min 0 sec Hillary Clinton's tough new stance on gun control, including calls for stricter background checks and increased liability for gun dealers and manufacturers.
1090420 Campaign 2016 / Carson / Guns ABC 10/6/2015 2 min 0 sec Dr. Ben Carson's views on arming kindergarten teachers and his opposition to gun control measures, as well as contrasting his stance with Hillary Clinton's support for tougher gun laws.
  1090532 Campaign 2016 / The Democrats / A Discussion CNN 10/8/2015 9 min 30 sec Report on the relationship between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, highlighting their differing views on issues such as the Iraq war and their strategies in the campaign.
  1090505 Campaign 2016 / Carson ABC 10/8/2015 3 min 40 sec Dr. Ben Carson's controversial comments on gun control and the Holocaust, as well as his stance on arming individuals in response to mass shootings.
  1090870 Campaign 2016 / Trump & Bush / 9/11 / A Discussion CNN 10/19/2015 12 min 40 sec Report mentions Donald Trump's support for the Second Amendment and his claim that President Obama wants to sign an executive order to take away guns.
1090897 Campaign 2016 / Trump / His Claims / A Discussion CNN 10/20/2015 13 min 10 sec Donald Trump's statements about the Second Amendment and the possibility of the President signing an executive order to take guns away.

2010s continued

  Record Number Title Network Date Runtime Summary
  1093674 Campaign 2016 / Interview CBS 1/2/2016 2 min 50 sec Report on the potential consequences of Donald Trump's controversial statements on Muslim immigration and the impact it may have on national security and foreign relations.
  1093851 Campaign 2016 / Gun Control / Trump, Cruz Interviews CNN 1/6/2016 7 min 20 sec the views of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz on gun control and the Second Amendment, as well as their criticism of President Obama's stance on guns.
1094082 Campaign 2016 / Trump, Haley, Cruz / A discussion CNN 1/13/2016 9 min 20 sec Report on the Republican candidates and their campaign strategies, including Senator Ted Cruz's financial support from investment bankers.
  1094202 Campaign 2016 / Trump vs. Cruz / A Discussion CNN 1/15/2016 15 min 20 sec This transcript does not relate to the subject of guns in America as it primarily discusses the presidential race and campaign tactics of various candidates.
  1094185 Campaign 2016 / Republican Debate ABC 1/15/2016 3 min 40 sec Ted Cruz mentions apologizing to pro-Second Amendment New Yorkers in response to his comments about Donald Trump embodying New York values.
  1094231 Campaign 2016 / Republicans, Democrats ABC 1/17/2016 2 min 10 sec Report mentions Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders feuding over gun control, with Clinton criticizing Sanders for flip-flopping on the issue.
1094373 Campaign 2016 / Trump & Palin ABC 1/20/2016 4 min 30 sec Report mentions Sarah Palin's son's arrest for allegedly threatening to shoot himself with an AR-15 assault weapon.
  1097592 Campaign 2016 / Democrats / Republicans ABC 4/15/2016 5 min 50 sec Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders discussed their differences on gun control during a debate in New York.
  1098936 Campaign 2016 / Trump & NRA / A Discussion CNN 5/20/2016 10 min 40 sec Donald Trump's endorsement by the National Rifle Association and his strong stance on gun ownership, despite his previous support for gun control measures that the NRA does not like.
  1098910 Campaign 2016 / Trump & NRA ABC 5/20/2016 3 min 40 sec Donald Trump's endorsement by the NRA and his stance on gun control, as well as Hillary Clinton's campaign for gun control and the contrast between the two candidates' views on the Second Amendment.
  1098965 Campaign 2016 / Clinton & Trump / Guns CBS 5/21/2016 2 min 50 sec the contrasting gun control policies of presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, as well as the influence of the National Rifle Association in shaping gun laws.
1098944 Campaign 2016 / Clinton & Trump / Guns ABC 5/21/2016 2 min 0 sec the debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on gun control policies and Second Amendment rights.
  1099043 Campaign 2016 / Trump / Guns / A Discussion CNN 5/23/2016 7 min 20 sec Donald Trump's contradictory statements on guns in schools and his support for arming teachers and school resource officers.
  1099727 Campaign 2016 / Clinton & Obama CNN 6/9/2016 4 min 30 sec Report mentions a campaign ad questioning Obama's readiness with a reference to the Second Amendment.
  1100018 Campaign 2016 / Trump in Houston / Republicans CNN 6/17/2016 10 min 0 sec Donald Trump's false claim that Hillary Clinton wants to abolish the Second Amendment and his criticism of her stance on gun laws.
1100195 Campaign 2016 / Libertarian Party / A Discussion CNN 6/22/2016 7 min 10 sec Report on the libertarian party's presidential nominee, Gary Johnson, who has advocated for the legalization of marijuana and has a unique stance on social and economic issues.
  1100183 Campaign 2016 / Trump & Clinton / A Discussion (Part I) CNN 6/22/2016 14 min 40 sec Report on the presidential candidates' positions on various issues, including trade deals that could impact gun manufacturing and ownership.
  1100192 Congress / Gun Control / Democratic Sit-In / A Discussion CNN 6/22/2016 6 min 20 sec sit-in by Democratic lawmakers on the House floor to push for gun control measures following the recent massacre in Orlando and the Senate's rejection of gun control proposals.
  1100700 Campaign 2016 / Clinton & Trump / A Discussion (Part II) CNN 7/6/2016 7 min 10 sec Report on political implications and strategies surrounding the investigation into Hillary Clinton, which is a topic often intertwined with gun control debates in the country.
  1101774 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Second Amendment / A Discussion (Part I) CNN 8/9/2016 14 min 0 sec Report on Donald Trump's controversial comments about Second Amendment supporters potentially stopping Hillary Clinton, sparking debate and concern over the implications of his words.
  1101776 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Hayden Interview CNN 8/9/2016 7 min 30 sec Report on Donald Trump's controversial statement about Second Amendment people potentially taking action against Hillary Clinton.
1101778 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Trump Supporters / A Discussion (Part II) CNN 8/9/2016 11 min 20 sec Report on Donald Trump's controversial statement about the Second Amendment and potential threats of violence against his opponent.
  1101782 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Clinton Rally / A Discussion (Part IV) CNN 8/9/2016 3 min 40 sec Report on the controversy surrounding the father of the Orlando shooter being at a Hillary Clinton rally and Donald Trump's comments about "second amendment people" stopping Clinton.
  1109698 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs Trump CBS 8/9/2016 4 min 10 sec Donald Trump's controversial remarks about the Second Amendment and the potential implications for violence against Hillary Clinton or Supreme Court justices she might appoint.
  1101780 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Clinton Rally / A Discussion (Part III) CNN 8/9/2016 6 min 50 sec A report mentioning the father of the Orlando shooter supporting Hillary Clinton for her position on gun control, sparking controversy and calls for damage control within the campaign.
  1101803 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Poll CNN 8/10/2016 5 min 40 sec Report on the strategies of the Clinton campaign in swing states, including Georgia and Arizona, which are relevant to the political debate on gun control in the United States.
  1109712 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs Trump CBS 8/10/2016 4 min 20 sec controversial comments made by Donald Trump regarding the Second Amendment and the potential implications of his rhetoric on gun rights and safety.
1101807 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Second Amendment / Trump Misunderstood CNN 8/10/2016 8 min 40 sec Donald Trump's controversial Second Amendment remarks and his pattern of saying things that cross the line, which includes comments about the Second Amendment and potential implications for gun rights in the country.
  1101801 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Second Amendment / A Discussion CNN 8/10/2016 12 min 10 sec A report mentioning Donald Trump's controversial remarks about the Second Amendment and Hillary Clinton's response to them.
  1101918 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Trump on ISIS / A Discussion (Part II) CNN 8/12/2016 9 min 0 sec Report on Donald Trump's plans for fighting radical Islamic terrorism, including his statements about bombing ISIS and potentially sending tens of thousands of troops to the Middle East.
  1110238 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs Trump CNN 8/13/2016 12 min 50 sec Report on presidential politics and campaign rallies, which are often venues where gun control and Second Amendment rights are debated.
  1101986 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Trump's Plan / A Discussion CNN 8/15/2016 13 min 0 sec Report on Donald Trump's stance on keeping Americans safe, including potential use of waterboarding and extreme vetting, which are controversial topics related to national security and gun violence prevention.
1102343 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / CNN Trump Interview (Part II) / Clinton, the Bigot / A Discussion (Part II) CNN 8/25/2016 10 min 40 sec Report on the divisive language and accusations between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, highlighting issues of violence and poverty in inner cities.
  1102696 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Black Vote / A Discussion CNN 9/6/2016 8 min 0 sec A report mentioning the Brady Bill and the impact of gun violence on individuals' views on gun control.
  1102956 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Birther Issue / A Discussion (Part I) CNN 9/16/2016 10 min 0 sec Donald Trump's comments calling for Hillary Clinton's Secret Service detail to disarm, raising the possibility of violence against her.
  1102971 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / The Trail NBC 9/17/2016 2 min 10 sec Donald Trump's controversial comments about disarming Hillary Clinton's secret service agents and implying violence against her in relation to gun control policies.
  1103171 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Debate / Fallon, Sessions Interviews CNN 9/25/2016 6 min 10 sec the upcoming presidential debate and the importance of honesty and clarity in candidates' policies, which are relevant factors for voters concerned about gun control and safety measures.
1103978 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Women Tape / Fahrenhold Interview / A Discussion (Part II) CNN 10/7/2016 7 min 10 sec Report on the controversy surrounding Donald Trump's comments on women and his fitness to be president, highlighting issues of misogyny and sexism.
  1103943 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / The Issues / Trump Supporters CNN 10/25/2016 6 min 30 sec A report mentioning a Trump supporter's approval of his stance on the Second Amendment and desire to protect citizens' right to own guns.
  1104238 Campaign 2016 / Clinton vs. Trump / Alternative Presidential Candidates NBC 11/6/2016 3 min 20 sec A report mentioning the Second Amendment and the support for it by the Prohibition Party ticket.
  1120952 Florida / School Shooting / Trump / Gun Control / Runcie Interview CNN 2/15/2018 12 min 30 sec Report on President Trump's response to shootings, the lack of appetite for gun control in the White House and Congress, and the influence of the National Rifle Association on political decisions.
1122290 Gun Control / "March for Our Lives" CBS 3/24/2018 9 min 50 sec the March for Our Lives rally in response to the Parkland school shooting and the demand for stricter gun laws and prevention of future mass shootings.
  1122985 Gun Control / Town Halls for Our Lives NBC 4/7/2018 2 min 0 sec the efforts of young people to pressure lawmakers for stricter gun control measures in response to mass shootings.
  1128150 Trump / Campaign Rally Rage / The Media CNN 8/1/2018 11 min 20 sec Report highlights the potential for anger and violence incited by President Trump at rallies, which could have dangerous consequences.
1137910 Campaign 2020 / Gun Control / Workplace Shooting ABC 6/1/2019 4 min 20 sec Report on the heavily armed shooter who carried out a massacre in Virginia Beach using legally purchased handguns, high capacity magazines, and a silencer.
  1140141 Gun Control / Legislation / A Discussion CNN 8/8/2019 8 min 50 sec the obstacles faced by gun control activists in Congress and the White House, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's promise to address background checks and red flag legislation after the August recess, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's call for bipartisan action on gun violence prevention measures.
  1140176 Campaign 2020 / Democrats / Guns ABC 8/10/2019 2 min 20 sec the 2020 democratic candidates' push for gun reform, including universal background checks and a renewal of the assault weapons ban, in response to recent mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton.
  1140192 Campaign 2020 / Democrats / Guns CBS 8/10/2019 2 min 10 sec the aftermath of mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, as well as the Democratic presidential candidates' focus on gun violence and gun control policy at the Iowa State Fair.
  1140233 Campaign 2020 / Democrats / Gun Laws CBS 8/11/2019 3 min 40 sec the Democratic candidates' plans to curb gun violence, the push for a national licensing program and ban on assault weapons, and the debate over gun control policies following recent mass shootings.
  1141242 Campaign 2020 / Democratic Debate / O'Rourke / A Discussion CNN 9/13/2019 8 min 20 sec Report on a Texas lawmaker's response to Beto O'Rourke's comments on gun control and the controversy surrounding a tweet about owning an AR-15.
1141372 Campaign 2020 / Democrats / A Discussion CNN 9/18/2019 7 min 10 sec how Beto O'Rourke's comments on AR-15s are being used by President Trump to backtrack on gun control legislation.
  1142500 Campaign 2020 / Democrats / O'Rourke, Warren ABC 11/1/2019 3 min 0 sec Report on former congressman Beto O'Rourke dropping out of the race after focusing on gun control as an issue in his campaign.
  1145890 Campaign 2020 / Democrats / South Carolina ABC 2/26/2020 3 min 0 sec Report mentions Joe Biden attacking Bernie Sanders on gun control during the debate.
  1267733 Campaign 2020 / Trump vs. Biden / Fraud / Bogage Interview CNN 11/10/2020 13 min 0 sec A report highlighting the baseless accusations and threats, including references to the Second Amendment, made by President Trump and his supporters in response to the election results.
1353944 California / Gun Control CNN 12/12/2021 7 min 15 sec Governor Gavin Newsom's proposal for gun legislation modeled after a controversial abortion law in Texas, allowing residents to sue those who manufacture or distribute restricted firearms.