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Vanderbilt Television News Archive - Guns in America: 2000s

A selection of news reports, interviews, and investigations on the topic of gun control or gun violence in relation to US Presidential elections.

Guns and political campaigns: Reports from the 2000s

  Record Number Title Network Date Runtime Summary
432882 Campaign 2000 (Polls / Debates) CNN 1/8/2000 3 min 40 sec Report mentions both Democratic candidates calling for new gun controls, with one candidate specifically advocating for the registration and licensing of all handguns.
  631883 Campaign 2000 (New Hampshire Primary) NBC 1/28/2000 5 min 30 sec Report on the presidential campaign in New Hampshire and the different candidates' strategies, including Texas Governor George Bush shooting a campaign ad to appeal to the snowmobile vote.
  391835 Campaign 2000 (California / Democratic Primary) CBS 2/11/2000 3 min 30 sec Report mentions Bill Bradley attacking Al Gore on gun control issues.
190519 Campaign 2000 (Republicans / Democrats) ABC 2/12/2000 3 min 30 sec Report on the Democratic presidential candidates' positions on gun control and their differences on the issue.
  633534 Campaign 2000 (Democrats) NBC 2/26/2000 2 min 10 sec Report mentions Bill Bradley's stance on gun control and his battle for independent voters against John McCain, who may have differing views on the issue.
191154 Michigan / School Shooting / Gun Control ABC 3/2/2000 4 min 30 sec tragic incident involving a child accessing a gun and the debate over gun control laws and safety measures.
  633833 Gun Control Law / Battle NBC 3/2/2000 3 min 30 sec the ongoing debate and struggle for gun control legislation in Congress, the influence of the NRA on lawmakers, and the reluctance of politicians to enact stricter gun laws despite public support for them.
434405 Gun Control CNN 3/4/2000 3 min 30 sec President Clinton's push for tougher gun control legislation in response to an elementary school shooting and his criticism of the National Rifle Association's influence on Congress.
  191430 Campaign 2000 (Primaries: Super Tuesday) ABC 3/5/2000 5 min 30 sec Report on the 2000 republican presidential primary campaign and the candidates' positions on various issues, including education and the death penalty, which are often linked to gun control debates.
  634017 Brokaw Reporting (Campaign 2000: California: Latino Vote) NBC 3/6/2000 2 min 10 sec A report mentioning that Latinos in California are very liberal on issues such as gun control.
  392727 Gun Control / Michigan School Shooting CBS 3/7/2000 2 min 10 sec President Clinton's push for new gun control laws in response to recent gun violence, highlighting the political deadlock and lack of progress on passing a gun control bill in Congress.
  392724 Campaign 2000 (Super Tuesday / Democrats) CBS 3/7/2000 2 min 0 sec A report mentioning Al Gore's stance on gun control as an issue in the upcoming election against George Bush.
392337 Gun Control / Clinton-National Rifle Association Battle CBS 3/13/2000 2 min 10 sec the ongoing feud between the Clinton administration and the National Rifle Association over gun control laws and enforcement.
  633758 Gun Control / Clinton vs. National Rifle Association / Pataki / McCarthy NBC 3/15/2000 6 min 20 sec President Clinton's campaign against the NRA for gun control, a Republican governor's surprise gun control plan, and the use of innovative technology to track gun crime.
  392369 Reality Check (Gun Control Battles) CBS 3/15/2000 6 min 0 sec President Clinton's efforts to enforce gun control measures and the debate with the National Rifle Association over background checks and existing gun laws.
  191060 Gun Control / Clinton vs. NRA ABC 3/15/2000 4 min 0 sec the national debate over gun control, the accusations made by the National Rifle Association against President Clinton, and the efforts to pass sensible gun safety legislation.
392826 Colorado / Gun Control / Clinton Campaign CBS 4/12/2000 3 min 30 sec President Clinton's campaign to reduce gun violence, specifically focusing on closing loopholes in state laws covering sales at gun shows in response to the Columbine high school shootings in Littleton, Colorado.
  634703 Campaign 2000 (Bush vs. Gore) NBC 5/3/2000 6 min 40 sec Report mentions Governor George W. Bush's stance on sensitive issues like gun control, which could potentially impact his popularity among women voters.
  634749 Campaign 2000 (Bush National Rifle Association Meeting) NBC 5/4/2000 2 min 20 sec Governor Bush's ties to the NRA and the debate over gun control measures.
  393762 Campaign 2000 (Gun Safety) CBS 5/4/2000 2 min 0 sec A report highlighting the stark differences between Vice President Al Gore and Texas Governor George Bush in their approaches to gun control and their relationships with the National Rifle Association.
  192542 Campaign 2000 (Gun Debate) ABC 5/5/2000 2 min 0 sec the debate between Al Gore and George W. Bush on gun control, with the National Rifle Association supporting Bush and Gore pledging to support cities suing gunmakers for gun violence.
435034 Washington, DC Million Mom March / Gun Control CNN 5/14/2000 3 min 0 sec the ongoing debate over gun control legislation, the influence of the gun lobby, and the efforts of gun control advocates to push for tougher gun laws in the upcoming U.S. Presidential elections.
  192218 Gun Control / National Rifle Association Convention ABC 5/18/2000 10 min 10 sec the NRA's surge in membership and their efforts to protect Second Amendment rights amidst government efforts to impose further restrictions on gun ownership.
  635719 In Depth (Campaign 2000: Women's Vote) NBC 7/7/2000 4 min 20 sec Report on the importance of women's votes in the presidential election and mentions gun control as one of the issues that could sway women's opinions.
  193260 Campaign 2000 (Congress) ABC 7/12/2000 3 min 50 sec A report mentioning that Republican leaders in Congress have blocked gun control measures, among other priorities, in an election year.
  394813 Campaign 2000 (Bush-Cheney Ticket) CBS 7/25/2000 3 min 20 sec Report mentions Cheney's voting record against gun control and how Democrats are criticizing him for it.
193505 Campaign 2000 (Bush: Running Mate) ABC 7/25/2000 4 min 20 sec Dick Cheney's voting record on gun control, including his votes against restricting the sale of "cop killer" bullets and against a waiting period before buying a handgun.
  635568 In Depth (Campaign 2000: Bush and Cheney) NBC 7/26/2000 2 min 20 sec A report mentioning Dick Cheney's opposition to gun control.
  394852 Campaign 2000 (Cheney / Voting Record) CBS 7/27/2000 3 min 30 sec Dick Cheney's voting record against gun control and other related issues.
  193560 Campaign 2000 (Guns) ABC 7/28/2000 2 min 0 sec the ad campaign and legal battles of gun makers in response to lawsuits and accusations of being responsible for crime and violence.
  193559 Campaign 2000 (Bush) ABC 7/28/2000 3 min 0 sec A report mentioning concerns about Dick Cheney's voting record against gun control.
  394890 Campaign 2000 (Bush: Republican National Convention) CBS 7/29/2000 5 min 40 sec Report on the Republican National Convention and the political campaigns of George W. Bush and Al Gore, both of whom have stances on gun control and Second Amendment rights.
  394891 Campaign 2000 (Gun Control) CBS 7/29/2000 2 min 50 sec the ongoing debate and political battle over gun control measures, including the influence of the NRA, political conventions, and the impact of gun policies on elections.
  635608 Campaign 2000 (Gun Control) NBC 7/29/2000 2 min 20 sec the ongoing debate over gun control and the Second Amendment, as well as the differing views on the issue among politicians and the public.
636153 Campaign 2000 (Gore: Vice President) NBC 8/5/2000 2 min 50 sec A report mentioning Vice President Al Gore's stance on gun control and his support for mandatory child safety trigger locks.
  437165 Campaign 2000 (Bush) CNN 8/6/2000 3 min 20 sec A report mentioning that many suburban mothers, who are concerned about the safety of their children, support gun control, which George W. Bush generally opposes.
  193828 Campaign 2000 (The Clintons: Hollywood) ABC 8/13/2000 3 min 30 sec A report mentioning gun control as one of the issues that the entertainment industry, including Hollywood, cares deeply about and supports the Democrats for.
  636561 Campaign 2000 (Congress) NBC 9/3/2000 2 min 20 sec Report mentions gun control legislation as one of the key issues that Congress will confront before Election Day.
194627 Campaign 2000 (Bush vs. Gore: Michigan) ABC 9/26/2000 3 min 0 sec Report mentions a voter in Michigan who is leaning towards voting for Al Gore due to his support for stricter gun controls in response to violence in schools.
  189468 Campaign 2000 (Gore vs. Bush: Debate) ABC 10/3/2000 6 min 20 sec This transcript does not relate to the subject of guns in America as it is discussing the upcoming presidential debate between Mr. Bush and Mr. Gore.
  189427 Campaign 2000 (Gore vs. Bush: Television Factor) Part I ABC 10/26/2000 3 min 30 sec A report mentioning the NRA's planned $2 million TV attack on Al Gore and the ad from Handgun Control advocating against handguns in nursing homes and churches.
  391231 Campaign 2000 (Colorado / Gun Control) CBS 11/3/2000 2 min 20 sec the emotionally charged issue of gun control measures in Colorado, specifically focusing on closing loopholes in background checks for gun purchases at gun shows to prevent criminals from easily obtaining firearms.
632847 Campaign 2000 (Gore vs. Bush: Undecided Election / Great Divide) NBC 11/9/2000 3 min 30 sec A report mentioning that rural and small town voters are more likely to oppose gun control.

2000s continued

  Record Number Title Network Date Runtime Summary
196286 Senate / Campaign Finance Reform / McCain ABC 3/31/2001 3 min 50 sec Report mentions Senator John McCain's support for new gun control laws, which has caused tension within the Republican party.
  197061 Gun Control / National Rifle Association Convention ABC 5/19/2001 3 min 40 sec the National Rifle Association's opposition to Senator McCain's proposed gun control legislation and campaign finance reform bill.
  639382 Gun Control / Background Checks ABC 6/29/2001 2 min 20 sec Attorney General John Ashcroft's proposal to change the government's policy on background checks for gun buyers, specifically focusing on the debate over how long records should be kept.
  651365 Afghanistan / Kandahar Airport / Gun Control ABC 1/19/2002 26 min 10 sec the challenges of gun control in Afghanistan, where the population is heavily armed and reluctant to give up their weapons.
700141 Guns / Second Amendment Sisters / Heston Interview CNN 4/26/2002 9 min 40 sec the Second Amendment Sisters movement at Mount Holyoke College, where women are educated about their right to bear arms for self defense.
  712366 Campaign 2002 / Gun Control / Maryland / Governor's Race / "Political Note" ABC 10/13/2002 4 min 10 sec the impact of gun control on a political campaign in Maryland following a series of sniper shootings.
  727631 Campaign 04 / Finance Reform / Dean CBS 5/2/2003 3 min 40 sec A report mentioning that Howard Dean, a Democratic presidential candidate, opposes strict gun control laws.
  728475 Gun Control / Assault Weapons Ban / Cottle Interview CNN 5/15/2003 7 min 40 sec the political debate surrounding the extension of the assault weapons ban and the influence of the National Rifle Association on politicians' decisions.
743944 Campaign 2004 / Democrats / Bush NBC 12/13/2003 5 min 50 sec Report mentions Howard Dean's opposition to gun control.
  746201 Campaign 2004 / Iowa CNN 1/14/2004 3 min 0 sec Report mentions Howard Dean changing his views on gun control, among other issues, in order to appeal to voters.
  749880 Campaign 04 / Super Tuesday CBS 3/2/2004 4 min 50 sec Report on the presidential candidates' positions on the assault weapons ban and their campaign strategies related to the economy and war experience.
  749799 Gun Control / Bill Debate ABC 3/2/2004 2 min 40 sec debate on gun control in Washington, including the defeat of a bill supported by the National Rifle Association and the implications for the upcoming November elections.
760831 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry / Democratic Convention / Edwards Interview ABC 7/24/2004 6 min 20 sec Report on the upcoming presidential election and the potential impact of the Democratic and Republican conventions on the race.
  761756 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry CBS 8/7/2004 2 min 0 sec Report mentions John Kerry discussing his support for the Second Amendment and addressing the importance of guns in parts of the country.
  763975 Campaign 04 / Republican Convention / Giuliani Interview CBS 8/30/2004 6 min 30 sec the Republican National Convention's focus on national security and the war on terror, which are often linked to discussions about gun control and Second Amendment rights.
  764221 Campaign 2004 / Republican Convention / Day Two / A Discussion CNN 8/31/2004 18 min 10 sec the President's remarks on terrorism and the war on terrorism, highlighting the importance of choosing words carefully in a politically charged environment.
764347 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry / Post-Republican Convention CNN 9/3/2004 5 min 30 sec A report mentioning President Bush painting his opponent as being against the Second Amendment and not representing conservative values.
  765199 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry / Assault Weapons / Bush's Military Record ABC 9/10/2004 3 min 0 sec the expiration of the federal ban on assault weapons and the political implications surrounding the issue.
  765216 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry / Terrorism CNN 9/10/2004 3 min 10 sec A report mentioning the potential for al Qaeda to arm itself with assault weapons if the ban on those weapons in the United States is not extended.
  765267 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry / Assault Weapons CNN 9/13/2004 7 min 10 sec the expiration of the federal ban on assault weapons and how it is being used as a political issue in the presidential race.
765342 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry / Bush's Military Record CNN 9/14/2004 6 min 40 sec President Bush's National Guard service and his support for the military in Iraq and Afghanistan, which are often connected to discussions about gun policies and military actions in the country.
  765824 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry / National Security NBC 9/18/2004 5 min 40 sec the issue of National Security and America's place in the world, which is a key factor in the ongoing presidential campaign.
  768430 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry / Social Issues (Part I) CNN 10/18/2004 4 min 30 sec the social issues that divide the candidates, including their stances on abortion, stem cell research, and the death penalty.
  768589 Campaign 2004 / Bush vs. Kerry / 13 Days to Go / Ohio / September 11 ABC 10/20/2004 7 min 20 sec President Bush emphasized his support for the Second Amendment and individual right to bear arms during his campaign in Iowa.
  855814 Gun Control / National Rifle Association Convention FNC 5/19/2006 2 min 0 sec the National Rifle Association's campaign to prevent police from confiscating firearms from residents during crises like Hurricane Katrina.
855851 Gun Control / National Rifle Association Convention FNC 5/20/2006 3 min 40 sec the National Rifle Association's political influence, endorsements of pro-Second Amendment Democratic candidates, and the issue of gun confiscation during crises like Hurricane Katrina.
  843858 Campaign '06 / Election Day / Voting ABC 11/7/2006 10 min 10 sec voter opinions on the war, the direction of the country, and President Bush's job performance, which are all issues that can impact gun policies and regulations in the United States.
  844528 Campaign 2008 / Possible Candidates / A Discussion CNN 11/13/2006 8 min 30 sec A report mentioning former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's positions on gun control, which are noted as being out of line with those of conservatives.
  849742 Campaign 2008 / Presidential Election CBS 11/14/2006 2 min 20 sec A report mentioning Rudy Giuliani's stance on gun control as a potential factor in his presidential campaign.
  844796 Campaign 2008 / Giuliani / A Discussion CNN 11/14/2006 8 min 10 sec A report mentioning that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani supported the assault weapons ban and other gun control measures opposed by the National Rifle Association.
850483 Campaign 2008 / Clinton, Giuliani ABC 1/27/2007 6 min 50 sec This transcript does not directly relate to the subject of guns in America as it focuses on the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani.
  857187 Campaign 2008 / Giuliani CBS 2/5/2007 1 min 20 sec Rudy Giuliani's stance on gun control and how his campaign will address the issue by tying it to crime and his record as mayor of New York City.
  852170 Campaign 2008 / Obama / Republican Conservatives ABC 2/10/2007 5 min 20 sec This transcript does not directly relate to the subject of guns in America as it focuses on Senator Barack Obama announcing his candidacy for president and other political news.
  852431 Campaign 2008 / Republican Conservatives CBS 2/17/2007 3 min 40 sec A report mentioning conservative doubts about candidates' positions on gun control, such as Giuliani's moderate stance and Romney's commitment to the anti-abortion cause.
  853876 Campaign 2008 / Obama, Clinton / Republicans ABC 3/3/2007 3 min 40 sec A report mentioning the conservative base's dissatisfaction with Republican front runners like Rudy Giuliani for being too liberal on gun control.
857849 Virginia Tech / Massacre / Gun Control ABC 4/20/2007 2 min 0 sec The lack of action on gun control following the Virginia Tech shooting and the Democratic Party's reluctance to push for stricter gun laws due to fear of losing elections.
  860265 Campaign 2008 / Stealth Candidates (Part I) CBS 5/12/2007 3 min 10 sec Report mentions that Fred Thompson is against gun control, which could appeal to conservative voters.
  867131 Campaign 2008 / God's Country / The Republicans (Part I) CNN 7/18/2007 6 min 50 sec how religious beliefs, which often influence voting decisions, can impact political choices, including on issues like gun rights.
  873578 Campaign 2008 / Guns / Giuliani and NRA ABC 9/21/2007 2 min 20 sec former Mayor Giuliani's changing views on gun control and his connection of the right to bear arms with 9/11.
  884491 Campaign 2008 / Giuliani CBS 9/21/2007 3 min 40 sec Rudy Giuliani's shift in views on gun control and his appeal to the National Rifle Association for support in his presidential campaign.
874672 Campaign 2008 / Republicans NBC 10/6/2007 5 min 30 sec A report mentioning Rudy Giuliani's past battles with the gun lobby and analysts discussing Mitt Romney's past support for gun control.
  875532 Campaign 2008 / Clinton CNN 10/16/2007 9 min 50 sec Report on the current political landscape and potential presidential candidates, including their stances on issues such as the war in Iraq, which is a topic often linked to gun control and gun rights in the United States.
  876543 In Depth (Campaign 2008: Romney) NBC 10/28/2007 3 min 50 sec A report mentioning Mitt Romney's alleged flip flops on issues like gun control, which has raised doubts about his conservative credentials.
879032 Campaign 2008 / Political Punches / A Discussion / Giuliani CNN 11/26/2007 12 min 40 sec A report mentioning candidates' positions on gun control and highlighting the attacks and criticisms they make towards each other on various issues, including gun control.
  879143 Campaign 2008 / Republicans Debate / A Discussion CNN 11/28/2007 7 min 50 sec A report mentioning Rudy Giuliani's shifting position on gun control and his recognition of the importance of gun owners in Florida.
  879134 Campaign 2008 / Republicans Debate / A Discussion CNN 11/28/2007 8 min 30 sec A report mentioning the Second Amendment and the debate over gun regulations among political figures.
  879660 Campaign 2008 / Surrogates / "Fact Check" ABC 12/7/2007 3 min 30 sec Report mentions the Second Amendment and differences in views on the issue among political candidates.
880521 Campaign 2008 / Iowa / Endorsements / Romney NBC 12/16/2007 5 min 40 sec Report on the race for president and endorsements from key newspapers, including the des Moines Register, which could impact the candidates' chances in the Iowa caucus.
  884371 Campaign 2008 / Super Tuesday / Obama Interview ABC 2/2/2008 7 min 20 sec Report mentions Obama addressing concerns about the Second Amendment and gun rights while campaigning in a conservative crowd in Idaho.
  884940 Campaign 2008 / Romney ABC 2/7/2008 5 min 40 sec Report mentions Mitt Romney's perceived shifts on positions such as gun control, which may have been a weakness in his campaign.
  886565 Campaign 2008 / Democrats / Obama ABC 2/25/2008 6 min 0 sec Report on the foreign policy stances of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, with implications of potential military action and national security risks.
  887275 Campaign 2008 / Blue Collar Vote CBS 3/4/2008 5 min 40 sec the voting preferences and concerns of blue collar white men, who are a significant demographic in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, and may have differing views on female presidential candidates and emotional responses to political situations.
  892854 Campaign 2008 / Democrats / North Carolina, Indiana ABC 5/4/2008 4 min 10 sec Report mentions the National Rifle Association saying Clinton's name is synonymous with gun control and her attacks on Obama on that issue in gun-friendly Indiana.
892023 Campaign 2008 / Democrats / North Carolina, Indiana ABC 5/5/2008 5 min 0 sec A report mentioning the National Rifle Association's stance on Hillary Clinton's gun control policies and her suggestion that Obama would outlaw guns.
  893016 Campaign 2008 / Gun Control CBS 5/17/2008 2 min 10 sec the National Rifle Association's influence on presidential candidates and their stances on gun control.
  897726 Campaign 2008 / Obama / The Middle / A Discussion CNN 7/3/2008 8 min 50 sec Report mentions Barack Obama's nuanced words of support for private gun ownership since securing the nomination.
  897750 Campaign 2008 / Obama / Montana ABC 7/4/2008 3 min 50 sec A report mentioning Montana's more conservative views on gun control compared to the East and West coasts.
904760 Campaign 2008 / Palin Interview (Part I) ABC 9/12/2008 10 min 50 sec This transcript does not directly relate to the subject of guns in America, as it focuses on economic policies and government oversight.