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Vanderbilt Television News Archive - Guns in America: 1990s

A selection of news reports, interviews, and investigations on the topic of gun control or gun violence in relation to US Presidential elections.

Guns and political campaigns: Reports from the 1990s

  Record Number Title Network Date Runtime Summary
337538 Gun Control / Reagan CBS 3/28/1991 3 min 30 sec Former President Ronald Reagan's reversal of his stance on gun control and his endorsement of the Brady bill, highlighting a shift in his position and the impact on the NRA.
  581030 Gun Control / Brady Bill / Gun Sales / Seattle vs. Vancouver NBC 5/7/1991 7 min 50 sec the debate in Congress over the Brady bill, which requires a waiting period for buying handguns, and the influence of the National Rifle Association through campaign contributions and lobbying efforts.
  135085 Gun Control / Brady Bill / Guns and State Laws ABC 5/8/1991 5 min 40 sec the defeat of an amendment that would have weakened the Brady gun control bill, highlighting the debate over gun control measures and the impact of national laws on gun violence statistics.
135107 Gun Control / Brady Bill ABC 5/9/1991 2 min 0 sec the battle over gun control legislation, specifically the Brady Bill, and the power and tactics of the Rifle Association in influencing lawmakers.
  340002 Campaign '92 / The Republicans CBS 8/3/1991 2 min 50 sec Report mentions potential legislative battles over gun control that Democrats are hoping will focus voters.
  582451 Campaign '92 / The Republicans NBC 8/3/1991 3 min 0 sec Report mentions President Bush's opposition to some gun control elements in the crime bill.
131711 Killeen, Texas / Mass Shooting / Gun Control ABC 10/16/1991 3 min 40 sec mass shooting in Killeen, Texas, and the ongoing debate about gun control and legislation surrounding semi-automatic assault weapons.
  578556 Commentary (Duke / Campaign '92) NBC 11/19/1991 2 min 40 sec A report mentioning that David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, expressed views against gun control as part of his campaign themes in Louisiana's election for governor.
  578847 We The People: The Second Amendment / Sutter County, California / Concealed Weapons NBC 12/10/1991 3 min 50 sec the controversy and debate surrounding concealed weapons permits and the Second Amendment right to bear arms in California.
  586337 Campaign '92 / The Democrats / Domestic Issues NBC 4/3/1992 2 min 20 sec the differing stances of Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown on gun control, with Clinton supporting a ban on assault weapons and Brown considering a moratorium on handguns.
140968 Campaign '92 / The Democrats / Urban Issues ABC 4/3/1992 3 min 0 sec A report mentioning the need for effective gun control legislation to protect the lives of children in cities.
  140782 Campaign '92 / Perot ABC 4/20/1992 4 min 0 sec Report on the candidacy of H. Ross Perot, who has been involved in controversial actions such as attempting to send food and letters to imprisoned US flyers in Hanoi and sending a commando team to rescue employees in Tehran, which may be seen as relevant to the topic of guns and America.
  344343 Campaign '92 / Gun Control CBS 5/17/1992 3 min 30 sec the increase in gun sales after the Los Angeles riots, the impact on presidential politics, differing views on gun control measures such as the Brady Bill, and the debate on how to address gun violence in the country.
586651 Campaign '92 / Quayle / Bush / Murphy Brown / Unwed Motherhood NBC 5/20/1992 5 min 0 sec Report on the Bush campaign's focus on family values and the pushback against single mothers like Murphy Brown, with mentions of abortion and gun control as key issues.
  586775 Commentary (Campaign '92: Three-Way Race) NBC 5/27/1992 2 min 40 sec A report mentioning a potential hard line law and order campaign against gun control as a strategy to protect the Republican base in a three way presidential race.
  141744 Campaign '92 / Candidates' Use of Television ABC 6/13/1992 2 min 20 sec A report mentioning Ross Perot's vague discussion on gun control on a talk show, highlighting the importance of candidates addressing this issue to voters.
  345028 Campaign '92 / Perot CBS 6/24/1992 3 min 10 sec A report mentioning Ross Perot's stance on gun control, stating that he is both for and against it.
341328 Campaign '92 / Bush vs. Clinton / Perot Ads CBS 10/17/1992 7 min 40 sec Report on the presidential campaign and the strategies of the candidates, including their stance on law and order issues which can be related to gun control policies.
  583622 This Week In Politics (Campaign '92: Bush and The Debates) NBC 10/17/1992 7 min 40 sec A report mentioning a question about gun control during a political debate.
  138197 American Agenda (Campaign '92: Crime Issue) (Part I) ABC 10/27/1992 5 min 40 sec Report on the presidential candidates' approaches to fighting crime, including tough sentencing for offenders and the support for community policing, which can impact gun violence and gun-related crimes in the country.
  138234 American Agenda (Campaign '92: Crime) (Part III) ABC 10/29/1992 4 min 20 sec the issue of gun control, including the Brady Bill and the availability of semi-automatic assault weapons.
  347549 Crime / Clinton Bill / Gun Control / Politics CBS 10/23/1993 3 min 30 sec the renewed attention on gun control measures and the changing political landscape surrounding the issue.
589774 Insider's Report (Gun Control) NBC 10/25/1993 3 min 20 sec This transcript discusses the history and current state of the gun control debate in America, highlighting the influence of the NRA and the changing political landscape surrounding gun laws.
  145036 American Agenda (Gun Control) ABC 11/2/1993 5 min 40 sec the history of gun control legislation, the influence of the National Rifle Association, and the political shift towards stricter gun laws following incidents of gun violence.
  598983 California / Politics / Gun Control NBC 4/2/1994 2 min 20 sec recall election faced by a state Senator in California due to his support for gun control measures, with anti-gun control groups mounting the recall drive and the National Rifle Association showcasing pro-gun candidates.
  356469 Eye On America (Politics: Gun Control) CBS 4/6/1994 4 min 50 sec the battle over gun control in California, including a recall election targeting a state legislator who wrote a landmark gun control law.
599066 South Africa / Elections / Campaigning and Violence / Buthelezi / de Klerk NBC 4/23/1994 7 min 50 sec Report on Nelson Mandela's call for gun control and the violence surrounding the South African election process.
  353910 Campaign 94 (Foley) CBS 10/26/1994 3 min 50 sec Report on House Speaker Tom Foley's stance on gun control and the gun lobby's attack on him during his reelection campaign.
  354430 Campaign 94 (Crime: Gun Control Politics) CBS 11/3/1994 2 min 20 sec the impact of gun control politics and the influence of the National Rifle Association on political candidates and elections.
  725703 Campaign '94 / Religious Right CBS 11/6/1994 2 min 0 sec Report mentions that voter guides distributed by the conservative Christian coalition rate candidates on issues including gun control.
151557 Elections / Last Day's Campaigning ABC 11/7/1994 6 min 50 sec Report on the midterm election and the potential shift in political power, which could impact gun control legislation.
  158582 Campaign '96 / Alexander ABC 2/28/1995 3 min 30 sec A report mentioning that Lamar Alexander, a Republican candidate for president, opposes gun control.
  158993 Campaign '96 / Wilson ABC 3/23/1995 2 min 10 sec A report mentioning Governor Pete Wilson's support for some gun control measures as part of his platform for running for president.
160633 Campaign '96 / Clinton Ads ABC 6/26/1995 2 min 10 sec A report mentioning President Clinton's efforts to show he is tough on crime, including taking deadly assault weapons off the streets and expanding the death penalty.
  607142 Campaign '96 / Young Republicans NBC 7/1/1995 3 min 30 sec A report mentioning the young republicans' stance on gun control and the need to relook at current policies.
  162008 Campaign '96 / Powell / The Issues ABC 9/11/1995 8 min 0 sec Colin Powell discusses his views on gun control and being a responsible gun owner.
  608416 Powell / Book Campaign NBC 9/16/1995 2 min 20 sec Report mentions Colin Powell's support for gun control.
  365374 Powell / Campaign '96 CBS 9/17/1995 3 min 30 sec A report mentioning retired general Colin Powell's pro gun control stance and the potential challenges he may face within the GOP party.
  602878 Decision '96 / Presidential Campaign / New Hampshire NBC 10/12/1995 2 min 20 sec Report mentions the potential for a Republican party split over gun control if Colin Powell were to run for president and advocate for gun control policies.
603021 Powell / Book Tour / Campaign '96 NBC 10/20/1995 2 min 0 sec Report mentions Colin Powell's support for gun control as one of his views that has not hurt him in the polls.
  156984 Powell / Book Tour / Campaign '96 ABC 10/20/1995 2 min 20 sec Report mentions General Colin Powell's stance on gun control as a potential factor in his decision to run for president.
  360284 Campaign '96 / Republicans / Powell CBS 10/28/1995 3 min 30 sec A report mentioning that conservative Republicans have launched an attack on Colin Powell's support of gun control, among other issues.
  603688 Campaign '96 / Powell NBC 11/3/1995 6 min 50 sec Report mentions Colin Powell's support for gun control, which is a controversial issue in American politics.
  360875 Campaign '96 / Powell CBS 11/3/1995 3 min 10 sec Report mentions that some important Republicans are urging Colin Powell to stay out of the presidential race due to disagreements on gun control.
603765 Campaign '96 / Powell Announcement NBC 11/8/1995 4 min 30 sec Report mentions General Colin Powell's support for gun control, which earned him enemies among conservative members of the Republican Party.
  360521 Washington Notebook (Campaign '96: The Powell Factor) CBS 11/11/1995 3 min 30 sec A report mentioning that Colin Powell's stance on gun control was a factor in some Republicans urging him not to run for president.

1990s continued

  Record Number Title Network Date Runtime Summary
366138 Campaign '96 / New Hampshire / Dole and Forbes / Gramm CBS 1/29/1996 4 min 50 sec A report mentioning Republican Senator Phil Gramm's stance against gun control and his tough stance on possessing firearms during the commission of a violent crime or drug felony.
  164740 Campaign '96 / Buchanan / White Supremacy ABC 2/16/1996 2 min 20 sec the defense of Second Amendment rights by a campaign official and the attacks on supporters of the Republican candidate for their views on gun ownership.
  404899 Campaign '96 / New Hampshire / The Republicans CNN 2/18/1996 3 min 10 sec A report mentioning the talk in New Hampshire about severe penalties for anyone who uses a gun in the commission of a crime.
165335 Gun Control / Congress / Assault Weapons ABC 3/21/1996 2 min 0 sec the debate over the repeal of a 1994 law banning assault weapons, with strong public support for the ban and Democrats opposing the Republican move.
  611493 Gun Control / Congress / Assault Weapons NBC 3/21/1996 3 min 30 sec the debate over the repeal of a ban on assault weapons and the political implications surrounding the issue.
  405759 Congress / Gun Control / Assault Weapons CNN 3/22/1996 2 min 40 sec the House of Representatives voting to repeal a ban on assault weapons.
  165364 Campaign '96 / Dole / Crime Issue ABC 3/23/1996 2 min 20 sec Senator Bob Dole's stance on crime, including his support for swifter justice and his promise to work to repeal the ban on assault weapons, despite public support for the ban.
  611593 Campaign '96 / Primaries / California NBC 3/26/1996 4 min 10 sec A report mentioning the issue of gun control as a Democratic issue in California, a state where voters also worry about high taxes and crime, which are Republican issues.
406471 Campaign '96 / Clinton / Baseball's Opening Day CNN 4/2/1996 1 min 10 sec A report mentioning the assault weapons ban and the president's criticism of Republicans for fighting against it.
  165900 Campaign '96 / Dole / Law and Order ABC 4/20/1996 3 min 10 sec Senator Bob Dole's association with the National Rifle Association and his opposition to gun control measures.
  406490 Campaign '96 / Dole CNN 4/20/1996 1 min 0 sec the debate over gun control legislation and the repeal of the assault weapons ban and the Brady bill.
  167083 Campaign '96 / Republicans / Abortion / Texas ABC 6/21/1996 6 min 20 sec Report on the internal struggle within the Republican Party over various issues, including gun control, that are dividing the party.
168005 Campaign '96 / Dole / Gun Control ABC 7/9/1996 2 min 0 sec Bob Dole's changing stance on gun control, specifically his adjustment of his position on the ban on assault weapons and his support for instant computer checks for gun buyers.
  408598 Campaign '96 / Clinton vs. Dole / Gun Control CNN 7/10/1996 1 min 0 sec Bob Dole's stance on lifting the ban on certain assault weapons and President Clinton's vow to veto any attempt to do so.
  370378 Campaign '96 / Clinton vs. Dole / Gun Control / NAACP CBS 7/10/1996 2 min 0 sec President Clinton's stance on the assault weapons ban and his criticism of Bob Dole's position on the issue.
613387 Campaign '96 / Clinton vs. Dole / Gun Control / NAACP NBC 7/10/1996 2 min 20 sec President Clinton's support for the assault weapons ban and his criticism of Republican opponent Bob Dole's stance on the issue.
  370416 Campaign '96 / Dole / Abortion Issue CBS 7/12/1996 3 min 10 sec A report mentioning Republican Bob Dole's retreat from his promise to repeal the ban on assault weapons and his eventual agreement with President Clinton's position on the issue.
  167478 Campaign '96 / Dole / Abortion Issue ABC 7/12/1996 2 min 10 sec A report mentioning that gun control was a controversial issue for Senator Dole, along with abortion and tobacco.
  613943 Campaign '96 / Republican Convention / Dole and Kemp / Hyde Interview NBC 8/11/1996 8 min 50 sec Report on the Republican Party's presidential nominee Bob Dole and his running mate Jack Kemp, who have different positions on important issues such as affirmative action, which is a topic often linked to gun control debates.
  613956 Campaign '96 / Republican Convention / Kemp Interview NBC 8/12/1996 7 min 0 sec Report on differences on the issue of assault weapons between Jack Kemp and Bob Dole.
371212 Campaign '96 / Democratic Convention CBS 8/25/1996 4 min 30 sec A report mentioning that Democratic delegates at the convention support a ban on assault weapons.
  371235 Campaign '96 / Democratic Convention CBS 8/26/1996 2 min 50 sec Report mentions gun control advocates Sarah Brady and the absence of elected officials at the Democratic convention.
  614208 Campaign '96 / Democratic Convention / Clintons NBC 8/26/1996 7 min 10 sec President Clinton's gun control efforts and proposals at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
  371226 Campaign '96 / Democratic Convention / Clintons CBS 8/26/1996 3 min 30 sec President Clinton's proposal to extend gun control to deny handguns to individuals with a history of domestic violence.
168358 Campaign '96 / Clinton's Train / Gun Control ABC 8/26/1996 4 min 20 sec President Clinton's proposal to extend the Brady gun laws ban on the sale of handguns to convicted felons and those convicted of domestic violence, as well as his call to ban cop killer bullets.
  410031 Campaign '96 / Clinton vs. Dole / Crime CNN 9/16/1996 3 min 50 sec the anti-crime policies of the Clinton administration, including efforts to get guns off the streets and implement laws such as the assault weapons ban and the Brady bill.
  614524 Campaign '96 / Clinton vs. Dole / Crime and Drugs NBC 9/16/1996 2 min 10 sec the endorsement of Bill Clinton by the Fraternal Order of Police, highlighting Clinton's support for the assault weapons ban and handgun control laws.
  371557 Campaign '96 / Clinton vs. Dole / Crime and Drugs CBS 9/16/1996 4 min 50 sec the link between drugs and violent crime, as well as the differing approaches of President Clinton and Bob Dole on crime prevention strategies.
  614776 Campaign '96 / Clinton vs. Dole NBC 9/28/1996 2 min 0 sec A report mentioning the expansion of gun control laws to include people convicted of spousal abuse.
  366698 Campaign '96 / In Touch With America CBS 10/4/1996 3 min 0 sec A report mentioning the assault weapons ban included in President Clinton's crime bill and Bob Dole's opposition to it.
366767 Campaign '96 / Clinton / Inner Cities CBS 10/9/1996 2 min 20 sec A report mentioning the importance of the assault weapons ban in keeping guns off city streets.
  163085 Campaign '96 / Clinton vs. Dole / After The Debate ABC 10/17/1996 3 min 40 sec Report mentions President Clinton's support of the Brady gun control law and Senator Dole's challenge to him regarding pardons for Whitewater defendants.
  367176 Campaign '96 / Clinton Ad Campaign / Dole CBS 11/5/1996 4 min 40 sec the use of commercials on crime, including a mention of a ban on deadly assault weapons, in the Clinton campaign strategy.
  376963 Clinton / Campaign Finance Hearings CBS 7/8/1997 4 min 0 sec the political campaign fundraising strategies used by Bill Clinton in 1996, including the use of TV ads to push for the removal of deadly assault weapons from the streets.
  621520 1998 Campaign / New York / Senate Race NBC 10/26/1998 3 min 0 sec Report mentions Democratic Congressman Charles Schumer championing popular gun control legislation in his Senate race against Republican incumbent Alfonse D'Amato in New York.
621905 In Depth (1998 Campaign / Senate Races) NBC 11/2/1998 5 min 30 sec Report mentions Senator Barbara Boxer's stance on gun control as a key issue in her Senate race in California.
  186578 Campaign 2000 / Gun Control / Dole ABC 5/8/1999 2 min 10 sec Elizabeth Dole's stance on gun control and her efforts to set herself apart from other Republicans by advocating for measures such as a ban on assault weapons and safety locks on guns.
186577 Kids and Guns / Bell Campaign ABC 5/8/1999 2 min 50 sec the urgent need to keep guns out of the hands of children and the growing grassroots efforts to address gun violence, including calls to eliminate assault weapons and support for proposals to address youth violence.
  629786 Gun Control NBC 5/25/1999 5 min 50 sec legal challenges and new political attitudes towards gun control following the Columbine High School massacre, with cities suing gun manufacturers for not properly tracking gun sales and failing to implement safety measures.
  629984 Campaign 2000 / Democrats NBC 6/13/1999 2 min 30 sec A report mentioning that one of the Democratic candidates, Bill Bradley, campaigned on gun control as part of his platform for the 2000 presidential election.
629994 In Depth (Campaign 2000 / Bush Candidacy) NBC 6/14/1999 5 min 0 sec Report mentions that George W. Bush is reluctant on tough issues like gun control and has not taken a firm stand on the issue.
  387886 Campaign 2000 / Bush / Gore CBS 6/14/1999 3 min 10 sec A report mentioning Vice President Al Gore's views on gun control and the ease with which young people can purchase handguns in the country.
  186764 Congress / Gun Control ABC 6/18/1999 4 min 0 sec the defeat of a bill in the House of Representatives that would have added restrictions on gun sales and relaxed others, highlighting the influence of the gun lobby and the ongoing debate between gun control advocates and gun owners.
  387966 Congress / Gun Control CBS 6/18/1999 4 min 40 sec the House's rejection of a gun control bill, the influence of the NRA, and President Clinton's efforts to push for common sense gun control measures.
388406 Campaign 2000 (Gun Control) CBS 7/12/1999 2 min 10 sec the Democrats' intention to make tougher gun laws, including requiring a photo license for all new handgun owners and banning junk guns, as a defining election campaign issue.
  389077 School Violence Campaign CBS 8/17/1999 2 min 0 sec A report mentioning President Clinton's call for new gun control laws as part of a strategy to combat school violence.
  631560 Campaign 2000 (Bradley Campaign) NBC 9/8/1999 4 min 20 sec Report mentions Bill Bradley's stance on gun control as part of his campaign platform.
  627228 Campaign Finance Reform / The System NBC 10/20/1999 6 min 40 sec A report highlighting the influence of big money in politics, including contributions from special interest groups with stakes in how members of Congress vote on issues such as gun control.
627335 Campaign 2000 (Senior Women / Vote) NBC 10/26/1999 3 min 30 sec A report mentioning that 65 year old women want to know where candidates stand on gun control.
  627877 Gun Control Debates NBC 11/4/1999 4 min 50 sec the ongoing debate over gun control laws and the impact of recent shootings on the political landscape surrounding gun legislation.
  628425 Gun Control / Federal Lawsuit NBC 12/7/1999 3 min 40 sec the federal government's plans to file a class action lawsuit against gun manufacturers in an effort to crack down on illegal gun sales and reduce gun violence.
  184540 Gun Control / Gun Industry Lawsuit ABC 12/8/1999 2 min 0 sec the Clinton administration's plan to prepare a federal lawsuit against the gun industry for selling too many guns that end up in the black market, impacting public safety in housing projects.