Nursing: APA Citations / Endnote


EndNote is a program for managing bibliographic citations. It simplifies much of the work of organizing and formatting citations and bibliographies in your writing. EndNote works with Microsoft Word and other word processing programs to automatically add references to your paper and format your bibliography into a proper citation style.


How to:
• set up your free EndNote online account (provided by Vanderbilt)
• sync your online account with your desktop version (if you have the paid version)
• share libraries 
• set up Cite While You Write

Training Videos:

EndNote Support, Training, and Other Resources

The VU & VUMC Software Stores offer discounted price on the desktop version: EndNote 20

VU Software Store                                  VUMC Software Store

American Psychological Association (APA) Citation Style

  • is the dominant style used in the social sciences and the required style for VUSN. 

  • APA citation style provides a standard system for giving credit to others for their contribution to your work

1st    Determine what types of sources you have. 
2nd   Formulate in text citations and reference.
3rd    Follow APA guidelines for formatting your paper.  

Use these resources if you have questions 

APA Style Blog is great when you need help with citing a source or working with an unusual resource 

Style and Grammar Guidelines can be used to answer questions on formatting, grammar, mechanics, in-text citations, references, and more.

One-on-on Writing Support at the Writing Studio

Getting feedback benefits writers at all skill levels. Writing Studio consultants can offer a fresh perspective on any of your writing projects. The Vanderbilt Writing Studio staff is available to help students master the skills of writing at any stage in the writing process.

This may include anything

  • create an outline

  • effectively incorporate the evidence into your papers

  • revise a paper

The Writing Studio is an important member of the academic support team.