Primary database for economics literature from journal articles, collective works (edited volumes, conference proceedings, etc.), books, book reviews, working papers, and dissertations.
Books, book reviews, selected book chapters, conference papers, and journal articles on economics, health, political science, policy studies, sociology, development studies, gender studies and more. Includes International Bibliography of Economics.
Books & analytical papers (IMF Working Papers and IMF Policy Discussion Papers), periodicals & reports (World Economic Outlook, Regional Economic Outlook and World Economic & Financial Survey), and other publications covering countries and regions by the International Monetary Fund.
Contains books, periodicals (annuals & outlooks), working papers & policy papers published since 1998 by The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Covers OECD countries and selected non-member economies.
Full-text publications (books, reports, and other documents), as well as Policy Research Working Papers by the World Bank. *Selected titles from the 1980’s and 1990’s, and all publications since 2000.
Archive of scholarly journal articles in full-text. Use Advanced Search to narrow by discipline, item type, and/or publication title. *Does not include recent years for many journals; date coverage varies by title.*
Books, book chapters, journal articles, magazine & newspaper articles including historical newspapers, dissertations, and other sources. *Date coverage varies by title.
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