Public opinion poll data: poll questions and answers, datasets, and survey questionnaires from academic, commercial, and media polls on opinions and behaviors from major survey research organizations in the United State, including Gallup, Pew, Annenburg Public Policy Center, and news organizations, such as CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, the New York Times.
Poll questions and responses from national, state, local and special public opinion polls and surveys conducted by polling organizations in the United States and other countries.
User Limit is one person at a time. US and global polling data, new and historical, at the city, state, and national level. Gallup Analytics provides trends in public opinion polling, using Gallup US Daily Tracking Poll questions 2008-2018, Gallup World Poll questions 2006-2018, and Gallup Poll Social Series questions 2001-2018. The Gallup Brain reports responses to individual questions asked in Gallup public opinion polls from 1936 to the present (currently 2016)
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