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Architecture General Library Guide

Finding Books in the Library Catalog


Keyword vs. Subject Searching

Step 1: Start your search process with a list of keywords that describe the main concepts of your topic or question.
Step 2: Use these keywords for your initial searches.
Step 3: Use the Subject Heading links in the Library Catalog record to refine your search.



Browsing for Books

Another option is to browse the STACKS for books.  

Art Books-Regular and Oversize books are located on the
8th floor of the Central Library.

Art books are in the N Classification 

Architecture books are located within the Art Section, in the subclass of NA 

Below are the ranges for certain topics related to architecture:

Subclass Range         Description
NA1-60 General
NA100-130 Architecture and the state
NA190-1555.5 History
NA1995 Architecture as a profession
NA2000-2320 Study and teaching. Research
NA2335-2360 Competitions
NA2400-2460 Museums. Exhibitions
NA2500-2599 General works
NA2599.5-2599.9 Architectural criticism
NA2695-2793 Architectural drawing and design
NA2835-4050 Details and decoration
NA4100-8480 Special classes of buildings
NA4100-4145 Classed by material
NA4150-4160 Classed by form
NA4170-8480 Classed by use
NA4170-(7020) Public buildings
NA4590-5621 Religious architecture
NA7100-7884 Domestic architecture. Houses. Dwellings
NA7910-8125 Clubhouses, guild houses, etc.
NA8200-8260 Farm architecture
NA8300-8480 Outbuildings, gates, fences, etc.
NA9000-9428 Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying