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MUSL 2200W: Music in Western Culture - Cyrus: Reflections on Searching and Topic Selection


In Part 1 of your library assignment, you will be asked to reflect on your information searching experience before taking this class and discuss your topic selection. Your reflection should be 250-500 words. 

Context: You are looking for information (scholarly, popular, books, book chapters, journal articles, etc.) for writing a term paper. 

Your reflection should include the following components: 

1. What sources do you usually turn to (e.g. search engine, library collections, specialized databases, or people)? Do you usually get what you want immediately? 

2.  When you perform “online” searching, such as search engine, digital libraries, or specialized databases, what methods do you usually use—browsing, keyword searching, or both? Do you use any “tricks” to get better results?

3. At what point do you usually stop searching?  

4. How satisfied are you with your results? What does “good results” mean you?

5. Have you encountered any frustrations during the search process? What do you think the reasons have been? What methods have you used to solve the problems? How effective have your methods been?

Topic Selection: 

Do you have a topic idea? 

  • If the answer is yes, consider the following questions to answer: 
    • What topic do you plan to write about and why? 
    • What is your strategy for finding locating information for this topic? 
    • What keywords or search tricks do you think you will need to use in your search?
    • What types of sources will you need to interact with? 
  • If the answer is no, consider the following questions to answer: 
    • What are you interested in learning more about? 
    • What reference materials or encyclopedias in the library or online can help me develop better ideas or solidify a topic? 
    • What strategies will help you pick a topic (listening, reading, etc.) and why? 


Use encyclopedias or dictionaries to gather more information on a topic if you are stuck! Or, use streaming services to listen to performances.