CMST 1500 — Fundamentals of Public Speaking — Sloop

General Journal Collections

Start with a general database that provides a large selection of both popular and scholarly articles on many topics.


Assorted newspapers and periodicals. Can contain a mix of popular and scholarly materials

How to Search ProQuest Research Library: Social Sciences

Searching ProQuest

1. At the main ProQuest page click on the icon for "Social Sciences" as your subject area.

2. On the Social Sciences page, scroll down and click on the icon for "ProQuest Research Library: Social Sciences."

3. At the "ProQuest Research Library:  Social Sciences" page, enter your search and then click on the [search] button.

4. From those results, choose from the "Suggested Topics" if one of the subjects is close to your topic.

5. Look at the results.

Too many results? Consider narrowing your topic.

Too few? Look at the list of results.  From the titles of the articles listed, you may see other words or terms that will focus your topic better.

Sample search:  death penalty and race

Other sample topics:  (1) Legalizing marijuana; (2) hate crimes against gays; (3) music industry and the internet; (4) gun control; (5) media and women's self-image

Sample environmental topics:  (1) carbon offsets; (2) overfishing; (3) factory farming; (4) fracking; (5) off-shore drilling

Video — ProQuest Basic Search (2:41)

Video — ProQuest Advanced Search (2:13)


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Brenna Bierman
Central Library - 800FH