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HIST 6110 - Introduction to Historical Methods and Research: Working for Faculty?

Borrowing for a Faculty Member?

If you are a student or staff member, don't use your personal library account to check out materials for a faculty member. Why?

  • Faculty loan periods are longer - for books it's generally 1 year. 
  • The Libraries can contact the person who actually has the book if there's a question, a recall or overdue notice, etc.


If you do not have a faculty surrogate card and need one to check out materials on behalf of a faculty member, the faculty member may authorize a card for Library Catalog, which can then also be registered for InterLibrary Loan online.

Apply for a Faculty Surrogate Card at a Service Desk

Click here to learn more about surrogate cards and download an application form. The faculty member and the surrogate should read the form carefully, then bring the completed form to the Circulation or Service Desk at your campus library.

Using InterLibrary Loan for a Faculty Member?

If you have a Surrogate card, you can request materials via InterLibrary Loan that will go directly to the faculty member you're working with. 

Additionally, you can also request that materials from Library Catalog and ILL be delivered to the faculty member's departmental office.

Here's information about Faculty Delivery service at Vanderbilt.