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HIST 6110 - Introduction to Historical Methods and Research: Center for Research Libraries

Collections Available from Center for Research Libraries (CRL)


CRL collections are diverse and highly developed, including:

  • Largest collection of circulating newspapers in North America.

~ 6,500 international newspapers, many dating to the 1700s
~ 4,500 U.S. newspapers, many dating to the colonial era
~ 2,000 U.S. ethnic titles

  • Approx. 5,000 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp newspapers and newsletters.
  • More than 38,000 foreign journals rarely held in U.S. libraries.
  • More than 800,000 dissertations—mostly from European institutions.
  • Area Studies ~ Major microform and paper collections from Africa, Latin America, Middle East, Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia, and many other areas.
  • In-depth holdings that support research in history of science, economics, law and government, immigration and population studies, international diplomacy, cultural studies, and more.

Search their catalog today!


Borrowing from CRL

Go to our InterLibrary Loan service to make the request for materials from the Center for Research Libraries. Third-day delivery on the vast majority of interlibrary loans.

Vanderbilt's Extraordinary Auxiliary Library

Vanderbilt University is a member of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), a consortium of North American university, college, and independent research libraries.

CRL makes available approximately five million publications, archives, and collections and one million digital resources to its member libraries to supplement their own humanities, science, and social science holdings. 

CRL materials can be obtained for extended loan periods and at no cost by users affiliated with member libraries. 

For researchers at member institutions CRL functions as an auxiliary library of extraordinary resources with user-focused policies and practices, including:

  • Unlimited access to CRL's corpus of five million items
  • Demand Purchase Program - enables patrons to request purchases up to $2,000 annually in three areas: foreign dissertations, newspapers, and archival material
  • The Scholars’ Access Program will provide access to material that may not be added to CRL’s physical collection, is not presently accessible through the member library, and whose minimum cost is $300. Examples include: