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HIST 6110 - Introduction to Historical Methods and Research: Physical Media Collections

Central Library Collections:

A significant collection of films is available for checkout from the Central Library's Reserves and Media Services department. DVDs and videotapes circulate for 28 days, and can be renewed up to 4 times. You can search for films in the library catalog by limiting your results to videos under the Format menu:

Frank Lester, Librarian for Cinema and Media Services, maintains a research guide that allows you to browse for films by genre or language.

Wilson Music Library Collections:

The Wilson Music Library also has extensive audiovisual collections, including approximately 22,000 CDs and 1,500 DVDs. All genres of classical music are represented, as well as blues, global music (folk and art traditions), jazz, hip-hop, rap, rock, country, and pop. All Vanderbilt faculty, students, and staff can check out these materials.

Audiovisual Reserves:

Audiovisual materials can be placed on physical reserve at Central's Reserves and Media Services or at the Wilson Music Library. Faculty who have questions about course reserves can contact Aiden Layer (Central) at or Michael Jones (Music) at

If you are looking for music or video content for online reserves in Brightspace, take a look at the library databases included in this guide.