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Asynchronous Online Learning Materials: Best Practices

This guide is for librarians and library staff that create asynchronous online learning materials, primarily videos tutorials.

File Naming Conventions

All video files should have descriptive names. Video file names should convey information as to what the video does (e.g. BEAM Tutorial, Using Library Catalog to Find Library Materials, Library Orientation Sign Up). In addition, please include the type (Video) at the beginning of the name description as well as the date. This information will help those who use the video files better understand the video’s purpose, other video creators who might want to use the video in their own video creations, as well as in future video maintenance and clean up. Provide as much information as possible in the name field.

Examples of Video File Naming Conventions

Instead of “Tutorial” consider “Video: Catalog Searching Tutorial 2020_07”

Instead of “Account Creation Procedures,” consider “Video: Account Creation Procedures rev. YYYY_MM” and/or description of the document.Video: Branch Libraries Accessibility Inventory (2017-07) - includes the date (YYYY-MM)

Video: How to Read (and Understand) a Social Science Article – provides information about the content of the file

If possible, when creating a video file, adding a description adds helpful information. For example: "A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER)" was prepared by Neil Butcher for the Commonwealth of Learning & UNESCO and is licensed under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO, 2011, 2015.

Naming Conventions for Files that Are Part of a Course

Video: Course Abbreviation (ALL CAPS) [space] Course Number [space] DASH [space] Short Title [space] DASH[space] Instructor Name***DASH Semester and year
Ex: Video: SOC 1111 – Womb to Tomb – Carpenter-Fall2020

***The instructor’s name may be excluded from the title for courses with multiple sections taught by different professors where the same Instructional Video will be used for all sections.