MSF Resources

Refinitv Workspace

Refinitiv Workspace (also known as Refinitiv Eikon) is a research platform that includes company financials, private equity and venture capital, analyst reports (after market research), business news, and data on financial and economic markets worldwide. 


To access, users must firsregister for an individual account with their Vanderbilt mail address and login with their own username and password. Users can chose to download the installed software or use Refinitiv Workspace via the web.

When registering, please identify as a student. Next, please select the add-on AMR (After Market Research) to ensure you have access to analyst reports/investment bank reports.




Access Options

  1. Refinitiv Workspace desktop application: a link to download the application will be included in the new account welcome email from Users that install the desktop application will also have access to the Refinitiv Workspace add-in for Excel.
  2. Refinitiv Workspace Web Access.


For more information, watch this 'Installating & Accessing Refinitiv Tutorial' video.

Terms of Use

License Terms

Refinitiv Workspace for Students is available to authorized users at Vanderbilt University for non-commercial academic research.

  • Refinitiv Workspace may be used for academic purposes exclusively. Any use for commercial purposes, including internships or other employment opportunities (even if during a term of academic study), is prohibited.
  • Authorized users may download and store information from the database for academic purposes. Upon completing projects or coursework, users should make every effort to delete this information.

Student accounts will be suspended from May 31 – August 2nd. Users that that need access for academic research over the summer months should contact