We have a variety of resources to help you research companies. In general, public companies are much easier to research than private companies; this is because public companies are required to share financial information by the government. Please review the resources below, depending on the status (public or private) of the company you are interested in.
Source of financial and economic data, news, and information. Provides access to analyst reports and select SDC data from the M&A section. Users must register for a personal account, which will be reset each semester. It is available to authorized users from Vanderbilt University for non-commercial, academic research. View, download, and printing limit for analyst reports and pdf documents of 150 pages per day, reset daily at midnight local time. Download limits for SDC data of 199 rows of excel data per day. Download limits for other types of data may apply.
Available for members of the Owen and Law community. Financial data for public & private companies worldwide; private capital firms; M&A transactions. Financial analysis tools to generate reports: comparable analysis, market analysis, financial modeling, etc. First-time users must register for a personal account using their vanderbilt.edu email address.
Available for members of the Owen and Law community. Financial data for public & private companies worldwide; private capital firms; M&A transactions. Financial analysis tools to generate reports: comparable analysis, market analysis, financial modeling, etc. First-time users must register for a personal account using their vanderbilt.edu email address.