Find International Court Documents: International Criminal Court (ICC)

ICC Documents: Free Resources

The ICC’s home page provides links to several key resources.  Of note, under “Shortcuts,” researchers can navigate to:

  1. Case materials organized by defendant under “Cases,”
  2. Core ICC documents in the “Core texts/Resource library,” and
  3. the Legal Tools database.

“Situations and cases” includes matters being investigated or preliminary examinations.

The Legal Tools Database integrates research and reference materials relating to international criminal law from a variety of sources, including ICC documents, documents from the ICJ, U.N. bodies, regional human right courts, and national cases and legislation dealing with international crimes.

  • Browse by body, instrument, or publication.
  • Search fields include keyword, file title, case number, file number, and date filters. 
  • An Advanced Search pop-out window allows for Boolean searching and document title (vs. full-text) searches.
  • Search results do not include abstracts or images of the document’s full-text; users must download documents in a separate tab or window to review them (typically in PDF format).

Database updated in 2016.

Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal Court

ICC Documents: Subscription Databases