Federal, state, and international statistical, economic, demographic, and geographic information. National income and production statistics, retail and wholesale trade data, interest rates, economic indicators, and social and demographic statistics, plus data on energy, environmental protection, agriculture, fisheries, crime, etc.
Coverage: From the U.S. government, 1973 to present; from international intergovernmental, 1983 to present.
Corrections, courts, crime prevention, criminal justice statistics, drugs and crime, international resources, juvenile justice, law enforcement, research and evaluation, and victims. Index, abstracts, and some full-text.
Comprehensive information about federal staffing, spending, and the enforcement activities of the federal government. Federal enforcement activities: staffing, funds, and the diverse characteristics of counties, federal districts, and states.
Historical statistics on social, political, and economic aspects of the United States. Census and other statistical data. Create custom tables and merge columns from multiple tables to create custom tables, which can also be downloaded, printed, or graphed. Essays by experts place topics such as migration, slavery, health, crime, Native Americans, and the Confederate States of America in historical context.
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Other Ways to Locate Data and Statistics
Legislative Materials
Data and statistics can appear in committee testimony and reports, among other legislative materials. More about legislative research will be posted in the coming weeks.
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