In general, if you wish to locate a source electronically, you can search for it in the library catalog. If the library does have access to it, the catalog should provide one or more links to the source. Clicking these links from anywhere should grant you access (you may be prompted to enter your VUnet ID and password).
Simply use the main search bar on the library page:
If you are using a search tool, such as Google Scholar, to locate articles, you may find yourself encountering paywalls when you click through to articles. This is because these links do not contain the Vanderbilt proxy information, which is how you access resources for which the Vanderbilt Libraries pay.
You can circumvent this by going to the library catalog, searching the article within, and clicking through. Or you can enter the proxy information into the URL of the source. You may do this manually, but the easier method is to install a proxy bookmarklet in your browser. The instructions on how to do so are below. In addition, we have provided a quick video (with no sound) demonstrating the process.
Manually Append the Proxy Prefix
You can format a URL to use the library’s proxy server by prepending to the actual URL. For example the URL can be edited with the prefix to
Use the Reload via VU Library Proxy bookmarklet
To add the bookmarklet:
Using the bookmarklet:
Note: the proxy prefix and bookmarklet only work for resources that the library owns or licenses. If you still can’t access the full text, try looking for it in the Library Catalog. You may need to request the article through Interlibrary Loan.