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VUMC Research Staff Resources: Certification Exams

Online portal for staff development and lifelong learning.

Some clinical research staff want to advance their careers by becoming certified. Resources can be found on this tab that may be helpful in studying for certification exams.

If you are a VUMC employee, your VU library access may have changed. As part of ongoing compliance, VU Libraries must limit remote online access to electronic resources to users with a VU affiliation. However, all VUMC users can continue to utilize VU Library databases, journals, and books (including electronic) in person at any VU Library dedicated workstations.

Eskind Biomedical Library Hours are located here:

Recommended books to study for certification exams

A Comprehensive and Practical Guide to Clinical Trials (eBook)

Focuses on the practical aspects of the preparation and execution of a clinical trial and offers tools and resources to help the entire team understand how their responsibilities tie together with the tasks and duties of other members.

Conducting Clinical Research (eBook)

This is a step-by-step how-to manual for both experienced medical professionals and novices looking to enter the field of clinical studies.

Fundamentals of Clinical Trials

Textbook on clinical trials methodology, this book is intended for the clinical researcher who is interested in designing a clinical trial and developing a protocol.

The CRA's Guide to Monitoring Clinical Research

Location: Eskind Biomedical Library
Reference Collection
Call Number: QV771 W396 2019

Protecting Study Volunteers in Research

Location: Eskind Biomedical Library
Call Number: W32.5 AA1 D923p 2012

The Sourcebook for Clinical Research (book has been ordered)

An actionable, step-by-step guide through beginning to advanced topics in clinical research.

Other Regulations and Websites

Regulations and Guidelines


Information Sheets 

Self Assessment Options

There are many quizzes on these sites.  Terms such as “ACRP”, “SoCRA”, “ICH GCP”, “CCRP”, “CCRC”, “ethics in research”,” 46 CFR 46”, and “protecting human research”, among others, can be used to help find quizzes.


Course Hero:


Online Training

RAND Institute GCPS Flashcards

Clinical Research staff can use good clinical practices made easy cards to help study federal regulations and concepts to prepare to take certification exams.

Instructions for access
Employees may check out the flashcards at the Eskind Library front desk.
  • Checkout time limit for the flashcards is a 2 hours with the option to extend
  • Flashcards are in house use only and must remain at EBL 
  • Please be mindful and considerate of other employee’s time for the flashcards